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15th January, 2009

"I've written something," I walked into my garage, the boys already sitting around.

"You're always writing something," George said.

"Yeah, but this is done. Lyrics wise, anyway. I'm really serious about this song."

"You're serious about all our songs," Ross said, "It's a bit annoying."

"Fuck off. Just let me show you it."

George took the notebook from my hand and looked at the title I'd written, a wary look creeping up on his features.

"It's called Sex," he said, "Are people gonna wanna listen to a song called Sex?"

"Everyone's gonna wanna listen to a song called Sex," Adam said, "But these lyrics, Matthew-"

"Ew," I said. People saying my full name felt like I was in trouble.

"Who are they about?"

"What do you mean? Do they need to be about a specific person?"

"Well no, but they sound like someone I think we know all too well."

"Oh yeah?"

I was trying to act clueless, but I knew exactly who those lyrics were about.

"Yeah, mate," Ross said, "Tongue piercing, skinny jeans, high tops, fit friends. Dylan's got all of those."

"What friends do you find fit?"

"Don't change the subject," George said, "They're all fit. Not that you'd notice, so focused on my best mate."

"It's a coincidence. There are tons of girls with a style like that."

"A style like that and a boyfriend? Who've took their shoes off in the back of your car? Shared your shirt? Talked to you about sex? Matty, it's obvious-"

"No it's not. Fucking hell. If you're that bothered about me writing a song about a girl that just so happens to be similar to your precious best friend I won't bother with it."

George sighed. "No, bother with it, Matty, it's a good song. I'm just- Protective over Dylan. And you know what you're like."

"Bad boyfriend. Shit influence. I know. It's not about her, though, promise."



Right? He agreed? I couldn't argue with him, I was the one that said it, but a bit of reassurance would be nice.

'You're not shit, Matty. You'd be a good boyfriend. You shouldn't worry about what you'd do to her.'

But no. What I said was right. I'd be a bad influenced on anyone, never mind Dylan. I wouldn't care if she was some random girl, but this was Dylan, this was my friend, this was my best friend's best friend, basically his sister.

"Let's start working on it, then," Adam said.

"Let's start working on it, then," Adam said

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