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23rd December, 2009

Right before Christmas, Kane ended things. I was at his house, chilling on the bed, thinking we were fine, when he said the words. That we needed to break up. I asked why, and his response was the exact same as it had been the other four times he'd done this to me throughout our year long relationship.

"I just can't."

Can't what, exactly? I don't know. Maybe he couldn't be with me, maybe he couldn't be with anyone. I never figured that out, but I think it was probably the latter, given that most of our issues were caused by him.

I cried. I cried a lot, until my nose was all stuffy and the whites of my eyes were red, making my pupils look brighter than usual. At least my eyes were pretty when I cried. With my hair messy, still wearing Kane's shirt, I left.

I didn't go home. I knew my brother was home, and I didn't know what mood he was in. If he was annoyed at me for whatever reason, he'd probably blame me. He'd make me feel shit, like the breakup and everything else wrong in the world was all my fault. If he was in a good mood with me, he'd be in a horrendous mood with Kane, and god knows what he'd do. Maybe he'd go to his house and punch his lights out.

So, instead, I went to George's house, instantly regretting my decision when I heard noises coming from the garage, as if the band was either setting up or putting away their instruments. His parents' car wasn't in the drive, so I couldn't even be consoled by George's mum, AKA my bonus mum.

I hesitantly knocked on the door. What else was I gonna do? Go home? I suppose I could go to Eva or Ella's house. That seemed like a better idea. The only other friends they had were each other, I wouldn't be embarrassing myself in front of a whole band like I would do if I went to George.

When I thought George hadn't heard my knocking, I turned on my heel, about to leave and head to Eva's house, but the door opened and he called my name.

"Dylan? Where you going?" He asked. Fuck.

"Just to Eva's," I said, not daring to turn around.

"Well why've you knocked on my door and walked away?"

"Um... wrong house?"

If it was anyone else I would've been able to come up with a lie on the spot, but I could never lie to George. Even if I did, he'd always catch me out, he saw right through me.

He began walking towards me, finally getting in front of my and seeing the state I was in, still crying, my hair messy, wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt. He knew I didn't own any MCR shirts, I didn't even like them, but Kane did.

"You're in Kane's top," he said.

"I'm stood in front of you covered in my own tears and the first thing you notice is my top?"

"No, but you never go out in his clothes, so you've obviously just been with him, and now you're crying. What's he done?"


Before I could say anything I broke down again. He hugged me and started walking me inside.

"I'm gonna embarrass myself," I said.

"They're not bothered, Dylan. The guys are your friends."

"I know they are, but they've never seen me like-"

"Doesn't matter. They're going to now, and they're gonna help you just as much as I am, alright?"


MATTY'S POV23rd December, 2009

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23rd December, 2009

George walked into the garage with Dylan in his arms, she was crying. I felt my heart twist at the sight of her face soaked with her own tears, a pit growing in my stomach, suddenly making me feel hungry but sick at the same time.

She told us the story from start to finish, how everything was okay until he just randomly dumped on her that he didn't wanna be with her anymore, the only explanation being that he 'just couldn't'.

"On Christmas eve eve?" Adam asked, "Wanker."

George rolled his eyes. Of course he was concerned. His best friend was sat in front of him heart broken. But he didn't seem to be as sympathetic as the rest of us. I figured he knew something that we didn't, and I was right.

"He's always doing this, Dyl," he sighed. It was like saying 'I told you so', but in a much nicer way.

"Not always," Dylan said, wiping her hand across her face to wipe away tears. It was no use wiping them, though, they just got replaced with new ones straight away.

"When did you two get together."

"Eleventh of December last year?"

"Exactly. You've been together just over a year and this is his fifth time doing this. There's something wrong with that guy, Dylan, he's not worth crying over."

"But I loved him."

"He clearly didn't love you."

"What the fuck, George?"

Dylan stood up and grabbed her bag.

"You're mad at me? I'm stating the obvious! He wouldn't leave you four times if he actually loved you!"

"Maybe you're right." She walked through the front door and I could barely hear her anymore. I'd gotten up to follow the two, but Ross and Adam warned me against it. "But that's really not what I need to hear right now!"

"You'd rather me feed your delusions?"

"I'd rather you tell me that everything's gonna be okay."

"I thought that was a given. Obviously it's gonna be okay, Dylan, it's gonna be better now that that prick's gone."

"You don't need to insult him."

"Why not?"

"I love him!"

George scoffed and slammed the door. I could just about hear Dylan's harsh footsteps walking away from the house and I got up to follow.

"You of all people are gonna try and comfort her?" Ross asked.

"Reckon I'll do a better job than Mr 'He Doesn't Love You' over here."

I walked out and jogged slightly to catch up to Dylan.

"Now you're following me? Fuck off, George."

"Close," I said, "Not close enough."

Dylan turned to look at me for a split second before looking back down at the floor. "You probably think I'm a proper idiot."

"Dylan, the second you told me you were dating Kane Bailey I thought you were an idiot."

"You know him?"

I nodded. "He was in my year in school."

"So what? You're just gonna follow me down the street while shit talking him like George just has?"

"No, not if you don't want me to. My opinions are my own, I don't need to express them, not right now, not when you need support. I'm just here so you can rant to me as much as you want, or you can tell me to go away and I will."

Dylan stopped suddenly, and I almost bumped into her, stopping myself just in time. She turned around, wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. I smiled, hugging her back.

"Thank you, Matty. I didn't think it'd be you of all people comforting me."

"I heard what you said to George when you came in, about how you were embarrassed. Don't be. I know you haven't known the band long, but we're still mates, you can tell us stuff."

"Weird how I've never heard any songs from my mates who are in a band."

I pulled away from Dylan, holding onto her shoulders.

"Next Saturday, practising at my house. Tag along, alright?"

Dylan smiled. An actual, genuine smile, which I don't think I'd ever seen until now.

"Will do."

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄 • Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now