- 009

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1st January, 2010

Dylan had vowed to make this year different, to focus on herself and healthy relationships, not people like Kane, who didn't have her best interests at heart.

Her vow was broken ten minutes after the clock hit midnight and she was in the bathroom of a house party, propped up on the sink, jaw swinging as Kane kissed down her neck to her tits. He tried pulling her shirt off, but she stopped him.

"I think I'm too high, Kane," Dylan said, "Not thinking straight."

"Sound pretty coherent to me," Kane replied, trying her shirt again. She stopped him for a second time, smacking his hands away.

"Just because I can speak doesn't mean I'm in my right mind."

"So what? We're never gonna do this?"

"I mean-"

"Do you know how embarrassing this is for you?"


"You're an eighteen-year-old virgin!"

"I don't think my age really matters, Kane, I want my first time to be special, then we can do it whenever and wherever you want. I just don't wanna lose my virginity in the sink at a house party. I mean, you're not even my boyfriend."

"But we both know I'm gonna be again at some point."

"The point is you're not right now. I'm drunk, I'm on molly, I think I've smoked, like, three joints. I'm surprised I can even talk, let alone have this conversation with you. I think I just wanna go home tonight."

"Well I'm not driving you."

"Can you at least call me a taxi?"


Kane walked out of the bathroom, leaving Dylan leaning against the sink. She turned around and looked in the mirror. She looked like actual shit. She'd never tried molly before, this was her first time. She was surprised she could hack it, especially with everything else in her system. She doubted she'd ever do it again, though, she didn't like the way her jaw moved.

She made her hair look a bit neater, cleaning up her makeup before pulling out her phone and searching for George. She went outside and called him, he picked up quickly.

"Alright?" His voice sounded through the phone.

"Can you pick me up? I'm a bit out of it, don't really fancy going home. Not yet, anyway."

George sighed. "I'm with the lads. We've all had a few, but Matty's only on his second beer. Don't know what's wrong with him, he usually flies through them. You okay if he comes to get you? We'll all be sleeping downstairs tonight, so you can have my bed."

Dylan thought for a second. Did she really want Matty picking her up? She barely wanted George to see her in this state, let alone his friends. Well, they're friends now, but still, she wasn't exactly the closest with them. She knew Eva and Ella were still having fun at the party and would be way too fucked to drop her off. She rolled her eyes before answering.

"Yeah, that's fine, just tell him to hurry up. I'm freezing and don't wanna go back inside."

"Will do. See you in a bit."

Dylan wasn't outside long, running back into the house just a few minutes after she left to grab her jacket. When she came back out, Matty was stood, leaning on his car.

"Wow," Dylan said sarcastically, "You look cool."

"Not a fan of sarcasm," Matty said, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just don't feel like partying anymore."

"You sure that's all?"

"Are you insinuating something?"

"All I'll say is: your jaw's not meant to swing." They both laughed, Dylan sticking her tongue out at Matty. "Didn't know you had a tongue piercing."

"Now you do," Dylan said as she climbed into the back of the car. Matty entered the drivers seat.

"You can get in the front you know."

"Rather not." Dylan lay down across the back seats. "Will your car do that beeping thing if I've got no seat belt on?"

"Found out a way to turn that off."

Dylan laughed. "Good." Matty look in the mirror of the car, noticing Dylan rubbing at her feet, which had uncomfortable shoes on them.

"You can take your shoes off if you're uncomfy, you know."

"But gross, isn't it?"

"Socks on?"


"Then it's fine. I don't want you being uncomfortable, Dylan."

Dylan smiled, slipping out of her shoes and putting them in front of the seat. "Now drive, Kane would go mad at me if he saw me in your car."

Matty felt a lump rise in his throat for a reason he didn't yet understand. "Kane? You two broke up, like, a week ago."

"We're gonna be back together at some point, Matty. It might be soon, too. We almost had sex."

Matty began driving, trying to keep his mind off the conversation whilst still participating. "Sex?"

"Yeah, in the bathroom. But I stopped him. Once I've had sex for the first time, I don't really care about what it's like for the rest of my life, but I at least wanna lose my virginity somewhere other than my mates sink, you know?"

"You're a virgin?"

"Yeah. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, just didn't strike me as one."

"Gee, thanks."

Matty realised what he'd said was actually pretty offensive. "Not in a bad way! I just mean you were with- well, you've been with Kane for a year, just thought it would've happened by now."

"He's never put in any effort to make it special. It's always at a party, or when his parents are downstairs and he tells me to 'be quiet'. I don't wanna be quiet, I wanna express myself. Plus, doing it with your parents in the house seems well awkward."

"Guess it would be."

"Are you okay? You're so quiet. I feel like I'm really going on."

"No, it's fine. Talk as much as you want to."

Dylan talked the whole ride home, mostly about sex, and Kane, and how they were always gonna go back to each other. Matty didn't really enjoy the conversation, but he enjoyed listening to Dylan's voice, so he entertained it until they were outside George's house.

He opened the car door for her, but she was passed out. His initial reaction was panic, knowing she'd overdone it on the alcohol and the drugs, but he soon calmed down when he saw her breathing normally. She was just asleep.

He ran to the front door and opened it, before coming back to the car and lifting Dylan out. He wrapped her arms around his shoulders and carried her in, leaving her shoes in his car. He'd give her them tomorrow.

As he walked in? the guys all began to greet Dylan, but he shushed them.

"I'm gonna go and put her in bed," he whispered.

"Make sure to tuck her in and read her a story," Adam said. Matty rolled his eyes, but smiled.

He carried Dylan upstairs, finally putting her down in bed and pulling the cover over her. He wondered if she could still come over to his house tomorrow to watch them practice like she'd said she could.

He switched off the light and was about to head downstairs when he heard Dylan mumble. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Dylan. Happy New Year."

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