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DISCLAIMER fir the non brits before this chapter and the rest of the book: the word 'fag' in england whilst meaning what it means in most other places is also slang for cigarette, so it may be used in some chapters. promise i'm not just saying the f slur for the fun of it lol

19th November, 2009

"You know, you probably could've just got a fag off someone at the party, there were loads of people there," Matty said.

"I know, but I wanted to make my first adult purchase before midnight, while it's still my birthday."

"Right. Hey, that boyfriend of yours, he doesn't like you hanging around guys one on one, what's that about?"

"Don't know really. I think he's scared I'll cheat on him, but I won't. He's alright if I hang with a group of all guys, but if it's just me and one guy he'll flip. I think so, anyway, it's never happened before."

"And George?"

"Like I said, I think Kane thinks he's my cousin."

"Kane's a proper nobhead name, you know."

"So's Matty, don't hear me complaining."

"You just did."

"Not a complaint, just an observation. We're here."

I stopped in front of the corner shop and waited for Marty to catch up as he was a few steps behind, before walking in and asking the guy behind the counter for a pack of Marlboro reds.

"ID?" He asked. I giggled as I pulled my provisional license out my pocket. He looked at it and smirked. "Eighteen today, eh? Happy birthday." He took the pack of cigarettes from the shelf. "You know, I quite like a younger girl."

I shifted uncomfortably and Matty leaned over from behind me to grab the packet of cigarettes. "Bit noncey, mate," he said.

"She's eighteen."

"Yeah, and you're what? Forty-five? She's got a boyfriend, anyway."

Matty stormed out of the shop and I followed behind him, not before placing my money on the counter, not caring if the creep kept the change.

"Thanks," I said as I caught up to Matty.

"No problem. Proper weirdo, him, probably shouldn't go in that shop again, not while he's working."

"It's alright, I think he just does the night shifts."

"Yeah, when all the naive young girls come in with their freshly eighteen year old IDs." Matty looked down at the license I was putting in my pocket, looking for an opportunity to change the uncomfortable subject. He handed me my pack of cigarettes before talking again.

"Eighteen and still can't drive?"

"I gave up on it," I said, "Instructor was a proper freak, and I don't really need to drive. One less car, less carbon emissions. I just keep hold of my provisional if I need ID."

"Why would you have needed ID before today?"

"Some shops are proper fucking weird about energy drinks."

Matty snickered as we approached the gate of my house, walking into the small front garden where the band, Eva, Ella and Kane all stood. I tried to blend into them, hoping Kane wouldn't see me and Matty walking in together.

"Where've you just been?" Kane asked.

"Shop," I said, holding up the pack of cigarettes.

"Come with me."

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄 • Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now