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Dylan's POV
16th November, 2009

I probably could've knocked George's door down with the way I was banging on it. His mum finally answered, smiling when she saw me.

The reason me and George were best friends was because our mums were, since year seven. Me and George had been basically best friends since I was born.

There was just over a year age gap between us, and we went to different schools, but we saw each other every weekend with our mums, and hung out as much as possible the second we were old enough to go out alone.

One thing I didn't know much about was George's band, Drive Like I Do. I'd never met any of the guys, think they were school mates or something. It wasn't that he hid the band from me, he just said that I'd need to meet them to really know them, but I never had time, so caught up with my A-Levels, but that'd change soon.

"Come on in," George's mum said, "He's just in the garage practicing his music with his mates, you haven't met them, have you? Adam and that?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well, I guess you will today. George, love, Dyl's here!"

George ran out of the garage into the hallway as his mum went into the kitchen. He practically lifted me in the air as he hugged me.

"Bloody hell, mate, you saw me an hour ago," she said as he let her go.

"I know, but we were in my car, never got to hug you. What you doing here? Got school, haven't you?"

"Fuck them," I said, walking into the garage and throwing my bag down, not caring if any of my folders got damaged. I plonked down on the couch in front of the band, who were all in front of their instruments.

I got a proper look at them now. All three of them wearing flannel shirts. Fucking hell.

"Alright," the singer greeted, nodding his head.

"Alright," I greeted back.

"Guys, this is Dylan," George said, "You all know about her."

"Ah, the bestie," the bassist said, "Nice to meet you, I'm-"

Before he could introduce himself, George jumped in. "This is Adam, the guitarist, Matty the singer, and Ross the bassist."

"Very eager today, George," I said. The boys seemed to be having a break, coming to sit with me. "Oh, thought I could hear something."

"You can in a bit," Adam said, "Need to give my fingers a rest. Guitar's painful."

"Tell me about it."

"You play guitar?"

I nodded.

"Shes doing music A-Level," George said.

"About that..." I began, I was hesitant, not sure if George would be disappointed or buzzing, "I turn eighteen in three days, yeah?"


"I'm dropping out."

"You're going through with it?"

"Yeah, man, can't be arsed anymore. I do music to be creative and they take that away from me. The only reason I did psychology and sociology was because I needed to fill the two other spots and they looked easy. They're not, by the way."

"You sound a bit fuming," Ross asked.

"I am. Hate school, got given a menthol cigarette this morning."

"Menthols the worst," Matty pretended to gag, and I smiled.

"Aren't they just?"

"So what are you gonna do, Dyl?" George asked. I tapped my foot up and down.

"Fuck knows. Tesco's hiring, walked past the sign on my way here."

"Can't work in Tesco your whole life."

"Says who? Might become a manager." The guys laughed, but George seemed concerned. "I'll be alright, George, promise."

Matty's POV16th November, 2009

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Matty's POV
16th November, 2009

Dylan left after about an hour. I was a bit disappointed we didn't get to show here any music, but I didn't mind, probably would've saw her again. I hoped we would.

"Your mate's not half fit," I said to George. He slapped my arm, "What? I'm being nice!"

"You could've said she's very pretty, or cool, instead of 'not half fit'," he mocked my voice and I laughed.

"Speaking of my mate, she's having her eighteenth birthday party on Saturday. Was gonna invite you all to introduce you, but you've already been introduced. You guys wanna come, though?"

I wanted to go, but I waited for Ross and Adam to answer, not wanting to seem too eager, especially after calling her fit, I didn't wanna look like I fancied her.

"What're her mates like?" Adam asked.

"They're cool," George said, "Only met them a few times, like, but they're nice. Her boyfriend's a bit of a nob, but that might just be my brotherly instincts hating for no reason."

"Might get a bird for you, George," I joked.

"No thanks, I'm scared of them. Dyl said they'd fuck a lamppost as long as it was older than them."

"That's scary," Adam said, "But I'll go if everyone else goes."

We all agreed. We hadn't been to a party in ages, it was about time.

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