Chapter 172

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"We're here!"

Giving up on sleep and tossing around, the members returned relatively early and in relatively good condition. It seemed they just showed their faces for the sake of etiquette, only spending an hour or two.

But one seat was empty.

"Where's Kang Ichae?"

Kang Ichae was nowhere to be seen.

"Um, Ichae is at the company. He said he's working."

Considering his usual personality, he would have either suggested going out with the members first or stayed in his room playing games.

"Well, okay then."

I knew I couldn't leave Kang Ichae like this, but touching upon it now might just exacerbate things unnecessarily, so I decided to postpone addressing the issue until later.

After bidding farewell to the tired-looking members, I returned to my room.

In the end, I spent the night alone in bed. I rose from my bed in the late afternoon, rubbing my tired eyes, got ready, and headed outside.

The place I arrived at was a restaurant known for its clean Korean cuisine. Guided to a private room I had reserved over the phone, I waited for my companion while flipping through the menu absentmindedly.

A little while later, the sliding door opened forcefully.


"...Whoa, you startled me."

I wondered where he picked up such habits as I looked at Seo Hojin, who raised his eyebrows and approached.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?"

But despite his expression and tone of voice, his words were cautious.

"Because I didn't feel like it."


At my indifferent response, Seo Hojin's gaze flickered over me.

Ignoring him, I pressed the call button and ordered the meal from the waiter.

Seo Hojin's boiling temper seemed to subside at my nonchalant demeanor.

"...Alright, what's the point of arguing about that anyway. Hang in there, Hojin. You're doing well, Hojin. You're the best."

"That thing? Are you going to argue about that?"

Just as I was about to tell him to wait until we were done eating, Jaedoon, who had been murmuring while looking at Kang Ichae, interjected, overlapping with Seo Hojin.

Without saying anything more, I just took my seat at the front, with raised eyebrows.

"But he's not here now."

Although I thought I should console him when we met later, seeing him speak well and even grumble made me feel relieved.

He has some leeway, after all.

"Hyung, um, you know…"

"Let's eat first."

Just then, the waiter came in and laid out a table full of food.

As I picked up my spoon and was about to cut him off, Seo Hojin hesitated for a moment, then sighed and grabbed his chopsticks.

He still made a snide remark, but he ate one side dish with determination.

"Is it good?"

"...It's alright."

As he swallowed a spoonful of soup and cleared his plate, I watched him silently until he emptied his bowl, then asked.

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