Chapter 160

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"Kang Yeonhoo! Look over here!"


"Se-hyun, fighting today too!!"

Yeonhoo greeted the fans he encountered as he entered the venue for the second round.

After getting his makeup done according to today's concept and stretching his body to shake off the stiffness from the waiting room, he crossed paths with The Dawn in the hallway.


Seo Hoyun's expression was cool and indifferent.

When their eyes met, Yeonhoo reflexively smiled.

"Seo Hoyun-ssi—"

He called out to greet him, but perhaps because there were no cameras or spectators around, Seo Hoyun casually ignored him and walked past. The rest of The Dawn's members followed suit, awkwardly lowering their heads as they went.


Yeonhoo watched them closely.

While group members tend to resemble each other, and the other members of The Dawn seemed impressive, Seo Hoyun was on another level compared to anyone he had ever seen.

"All the members must have strong mentalities."

After organizing his thoughts with a sigh, Yeonhoo stretched his arms out again and loosened his body.

Shortly after finishing the rehearsal with the guidance of the staff and taking the High-Five members with him, he witnessed a strange encounter.

"The rehearsal was impressive this time. But it seemed difficult to handle the props, didn't it?"


"What if someone makes a mistake? It wouldn't be good if it hampers the performance~."

'There are still people like that.'

It sounded like genuine concern, but in reality, it was a slimy and insidious wish to drag someone down to the ground.

There were countless people like that.

During his trainee days, and even after his debut.

'Well, it'll be okay...'

Even though it was 'him,' a member of the group Seo Hoyun belonged to, Yeonhoo thought they would handle it well on their own.



But Jung Dajun's expression was uneasy.

As if his complex had been touched.


After answering, Jung Dajun quickly turned around and walked away.

Watching the TEW main vocalist who was left behind, with a flushed face, Yeonhoo's gaze narrowed slightly.

'What's going on?'

Although he felt a little uneasy, he didn't pay much attention and returned to the waiting room. It was almost time for the second round to begin.

"Welcome to Shining Star Season 2, Second Round."

Just as he finished fixing his makeup and outfit, the MC's voice came through the monitoring TV. The cameras were already rolling to capture High-Five's reaction.

"I'm nervous!"


In WH, everyone naturally assumed that High-Five would be the final winner.

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