Chapter 156

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"Great job~."

"Yeah! Great job."

After the performance ended, The Dawn returned to the waiting room and gulped down some water.

I also finished a bottle of water and placed the empty bottle on the table before sinking into the sofa. Suddenly, the wardrobe manager approached, holding the velvet ribbons I had brought, and began retying the ribbons for me. Kang Ichae, who was sitting next to me, poked me.

"Take it easy~. Can you untie the ribbon one more time?"

"Once more?"

As I teased him back, Kang Ichae chuckled.

Sung Jiwon and Kim Seonghyun, who were struggling with their outfits, had to adjust their clothes again, while Jung Dajun nonchalantly wandered around.

"Hyung! When are your abs coming out??"

"…Dajun, stop playing around with Ichae."

The youngest member was becoming more and more like Kang Ichae.

Kim Seonghyun looked at Jung Dajun, who was sticking to him like glue, with a disgusted expression.

"Oh?! Hyung, high fives is starting!"

Aware of the cameras around for reactions, the members gathered around.

This team also chose a famous song.

[We go High We go High]

"Is this a Black Call senior's song?"

How did they choose that song?

This song was from Black Call, and despite not being active, it was popular enough to have dance videos uploaded on YouTube for fan service.

It was definitely chosen by Try, but it was taken by High Five.

Maybe they'll include the raccoon washing cotton candy meme in the edit?

I heard that although Joo woo sung advised High Five, it was too dry and didn't have enough content, so it might be heavily edited, according to the staff's passing comments.

[Are you ready

Now it's time for me to leap]

Still, High Five nailed it.

"Is it a pilot concept?"

"Seems like it."

With a pilot concept, their outfits were perfect for fans of geeky aesthetics, and their individual abilities were outstanding, typical of members from a major agency.

If they're from the same agency as Black Call, there must be many people to advise them, even without Joo Woosung, and with a strong fandom and ample capital.

They would have delivered an energetic performance no matter what song they chose.


Especially the leader, Kang Yeonhoo, stood out to me.

Setting aside my initial impression of him as intimidating, his vocals were better than I expected.

Sung Jiwon was intensely monitoring the screen.

[If you're scared, don't ride, just watch my move]

'…Well done.'

Being called the next generation's representative leader doesn't seem like an exaggeration.

The previous three groups also delivered outstanding performances. However, High Five's performance stood out from the rest in terms of intensity.

If The Dawn had a similar concept...

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