Chapter 174

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Joo Woosung, as if his throat was on fire, lifted the glass I poured for him and downed it in one shot. Then, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he suddenly chuckled.

"I thought I'd seen every sight possible while being here, but someone like you is a first."

Many words seemed to pass through his face, but after a while of just twitching his lips, Joo Woosung posed only one question.

"Are you... hurt?"

"I'm fine."

"No, your mental state."

That's what Joo Woo sung said.

It was just a question, but it felt like a fish bone caught in my throat in this situation. I rested my chin on my hand and looked back at him with a crooked head.

"I'm okay."

Joo Woo sung also stared into my eyes with an indiscernible expression. Then, out of nowhere, he brought up something completely unrelated.

"Do you remember when I told you about the mission and the insider during Shining Star Season 1?"

I remembered.

But why bring it up now?

"Back then, you said you owed me one, and if you needed anything, you'd let me know. Do you remember that?"

"...When was that exactly?"

"Do you remember?"

Despite showing signs of annoyance at his annoying behavior, Joo Woo sung asked firmly.

Considering whether to pry further or just give in, I sighed softly and nodded my head.

"I want to use that now."


"Just wait."

Then he rummaged through his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Not knowing what he was up to, I just watched.

"Pocket money?"

"Shut up for a moment."

From inside the wallet, Joo Woo sung took out a small piece of paper and handed it to me.


I took it, and it turned out to be a small white business card.

It said Department of Mental Health.

"When you have time, visit."

I'm  I insane?

He waved the card back and forth.

"It's a very private place, so you don't have to worry about your visits to the hospital leaking out. If you need it, I'll tell you how to get there."

"...Why do you have this card?"

"What are you going to do about it?"

Joo Woo sung drank a sip of his drink, visibly annoyed.

"With the advancements in modern medicine, just go whenever you have time."


"It's obvious your insides are in turmoil."

...Is this guy really Joo Woo sung?

The guy who was always 2% short until now, where did he go? He's now so sharp.

"Is it okay to consider this as paying off your debt?"

"Sure. I've been saving this just to ruin you, but I'm using it now with a heart as big as the ocean."

"Why save it forever just to use it now?"

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