Chapter 15

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The following week went strangely and quickly. Classes continued on like nothing happened. The teachers stopped looking down at me. They almost eyed me with respect and fear. I really didn't like it, but I couldn't do anything about it. I aced all my projects and assignments, but Xavier wasn't heard from. I tried to look for him and I asked around, but no one seemed to have an answer for me. I even ran into Inos and Jesi and Alexa and asked them if there was anything they could do. I would do whatever favor they needed. They gave me a weird look. They told me that they would look into it, but I wouldn't owe them anything.

I didn't like asking for favors without offering something. Nothing should be done for free. Raz interacted with me stoically. I told Mr. Gavin that I would sing in the orchestra. He was excited since Grant and Zan backed out. I gave them cold looks. They just winked in response. Melissa would be the female singer. I honestly thought she had the best voice out of them all, but they all could sing. Melissa played the piano. It would be easy for her to play and sing at the same time. Same as me. The others could sing in between playing parts, but the entire band felt this would be the best option.

"Okay, so now we need to work on the singing as well as playing and we really need to give it our all. So, we spent the entire class working on our parts. I felt scared, embarrassed and ashamed for some reason to sing in front of the entire class. I knew I would feel the same way in front of the city, but I knew that if I thought about that now. I would become a basket case. I closed my eyes as I played the notes and began singing the part. We worked on the duet first. Mr. Gavin getting these parts in sync would be more challenging.

I think it shocked everyone that we matched energies quickly and we got into rhythm easily enough. By the end of class, we mastered half the song. "Now, just to remind you that our concert is next Friday. So, I have informed everyone that you will be staying late at the end of school on Friday. Tuesday and Thursday. Friday, we will be performing the second half of the day. So, you will be excused from all classes," he explained to us. Some cheers rang out throughout the class. I remained stoic. Melissa didn't react either.

I could see in her eyes that she wasn't caring one way or another about class. We were dismissed and the other four joined us at the piano. "That was amazing," Victoria chimed in. I blushed deeply. Melissa seemed to have better emotional control. "Yeah, man. You did amazing. You are definitely the best for this," Zan said, shrugging me on the shoulder. I chuckled softly. We left class then and headed to lunch. Grant swung his arm over my shoulder. "You. Are. Eating. With. Us," he told me. I felt my blood turn to ice in my veins. "I can't," I stammered. "Why?" Zan demanded. "Have you already forgotten that I'm not allowed to eat school lunches?" I asked.

"You can eat one time," Melissa replied. "Not without the others. I won't eat in front of them. I'll see you in study hall," I replied and pulled away from them. I spun away and joined the others on the steps to the auditorium before they could argue. Relia asked me what they wanted, and I told them. "You should have eaten with them," she replied. "I won't eat in front of the rest of you. It wouldn't be right," I explained. They all looked at me like I was some imposter. "You really think any of us would pass on the opportunity to eat with the rest of the school?" she snapped.

I only shrugged. "It doesn't matter. You all may be okay with it. I won't do it. I won't rub it in your face, no matter the situation," I told her. "You're a damn idiot," she hissed. "I admire him for it. It takes great character and will to not be like the others," a younger boy replied. I smiled at him. "Oh, please Shawn. You'd be the first person in line," Robert scolded him. Robert is Relia's twin sister. Both were athletic, slender, muscular, with long brown hair and a bright blue streak. No one could understand that. It wasn't dyed. The streak was natural. Shawn is a very thin, small, freckled boy with bright red hair.

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