Chapter 6

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I leaned against the railing with him and studied him closely. Why was I so infatuated with this man? I scolded myself for being an idiot. Even if I could be with someone like him, I knew there was no way he would be interested in me. I bet he would have all the females pining over him. I wouldn't stand a chance with him. He never turned to look at me. He didn't say anything for a while. I tried to start conversations with him, but he barely acknowledged me. I took a sharp breath before turning away. I closed my eyes and felt the tears threatening to spill out.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. Stay as long as you like. I doubt anyone is going to bother me," I told him. He still didn't look at me. I made it back to the doorway when I felt strong hands around my waist. I was spun around and looked straight into Razut's eyes. "I didn't say you had to leave," he said in a smoldering tone. "You didn't say anything. I figured my presence annoyed you," I say, trying to break eye contact. He pressed his face closer to mine. "Why would you think that? I haven't said anything, because I'm not sure what to say. Plus, you haven't really said anything coherent," he mumbled with a smirk.

"What?" I choked out. "Everything you have been saying, or asking hasn't been easy to understand," he told me. I felt my face flush again. Heat rising again. "God, I'm an idiot. I thought I was asking about you and if you wanted to know about me. Instead, I just made a fool of myself," I say and tried to break out of his grip. Razut held on tighter. "I don't think so," he growled softly. "What are you going to do," I asked, high pitched. He blinked. "Nothing," he said calmly. "I just wanted you to stay by me and talk. Ask whatever you will and if I can answer it I will," he told me.

The next three hours passed without realizing and I managed to actually speak to where he could understand me, instead of gibbering at him. He didn't or couldn't tell me a lot about his past, but he said that he lived over a thousand years ago and told me that he lived in a far away nation. He joined the empire elite legion for training. He was part of an elite group that was betrayed. He was betrayed. A close friend. He didn't specify any details, but something about the way he looked at me made me wonder if I related to the friend more than I wanted to.

This was something I didn't want answered. I didn't think that someone in my family or something that related to me caused this man heartache and pain. Then I scolded myself again. Whoever hurt him clearly was more than a friend. He just didn't want to make it awkward by calling her a lover. I faced away from him to clear my thoughts. "You, okay?" he asked after a moment.

"Yeah, just thinking. There's much to think about. There's been far too much going on. I still wrapping my head around the news about who I really am," I told him. "Yeah, I still find it weird that I am not bound to the forest anymore. I'm not sure how to feel about being on guard duty for my first time being free for a millennium but I'll deal," he said. I sighed. "What?" he asked. "You don't have to stay with me. You can go wherever you want," I told him. He shook his head. "No, I'm stuck, but that's okay. I may find someone or something to make it worthwhile," he told me, looking into my eyes.

"Uh, well anyways," I said, feeling my face flush for the third time. I may end up with a medical condition if this keeps up. He grinned and looked away. He released me then. I stumbled and I heard his soft laughter. I fumbled into the large feathered down bed. I didn't even pull the blankets up when I passed out. Sleep came without warning, and I didn't have any dreams. I woke up in the middle of the night to relieve myself and feel refreshed. I remembered Razut visiting during the night.

I didn't know if I hoped he would be there still, or if he would have left while I slept. I looked around the large chamber and he wasn't there. I almost felt upset to think he left when I saw a figure leaning against the railing on the balcony. Was he still out there? Why would he be there all this time? I felt my heart thump in my chest. I grabbed a pair of briefs from the bag and pulled them up, tossing away the towel. I was such a fool! How could I allow myself to sleep in just a towel?

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