Anger flashed behind her eyes. "Ah, yes. The abuse towards a group of people already abused by the system who are less fortunate," she snarled. Three of the orderlies who were closest to us glanced up at her outburst curiously. "It's okay," I pleaded to get her to calm down. They wouldn't be able to touch her, but that wouldn't stop them from coming at me later. She calmed down quickly and nodded. "Very well, but one of these days, they are going to get what is coming to them," she promised.

"It won't be today, so I'm trying to get through this without incident. Besides, I need to stay on their good side, so that I can apply for after schoolwork. I'm tired of being the last one to receive school funds for stuff I need. I can't even do school projects without being in debt to the teachers. They are keeping tabs of everything I 'borrow' for them to do the projects. I want to get a job to pay them back and clear the debt," I told her.

"You shouldn't have to do that," she said. I agreed with her, but I couldn't do anything about it. Then the other kids entered, and we served them. The oldest came in first. Twins a brother and sister. One year older than me. Due to their agility and strength, they were given special treatment in high school and joined the athletics group. Shawn joined the football team, and through hard work, became quarterback. Jill became head cheerleader and the best pitcher for the softball team. As the line continued, a couple of the younger kids were carrying heavy books already.

I heard rumors that a few were joining the AP classes, which was rare, but given their test scores, it made sense. I retained a straight 'A' grade average, but I couldn't compete with these kids. Still, given the setbacks, I still felt accomplished, I did my best to keep the negative words from the others from crippling me. I didn't want them to bring me down. I wanted to prove myself to them and mostly to myself. I also wanted to prove to my parents, even if I never found them, that I do matter and that I could accomplish much in my life.

I didn't think anyone would adopt me. I wasn't expecting them too. Some of the others had a chance, or even the ones who aged out of the system could still find meaning in life. That's what I was aiming for. Finally, the line cleared out. We had enough leftovers for the staff to come back a second time and a dozen kids. Of course, the headmistress chose the twelve and I never was chosen. After the remaining food was dished out, headmistress Tonya came around me and gave me a fake sympathetic smile and said, "I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow," before walking away with a light cackle.

"If I don't get up in the morning and-" I raised my hand to cut her off. I know this would get me in trouble. She raised her eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to be rude. But, if anyone finds out about what you are doing, I would be forced to starve because I would have someone constantly watching me," I told her. Tyle approached us as soon as I raised my hand to make my point with Gertrude. "Did I just see you interrupt her?" He snarled at me. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," I told him. "I'll report to your office for punishment." I went to remove my apron, gloves and hairnet.

"I don't think so," Gertrude snapped at Tyle. "Excuse me?" he asked her stunned. "He wasn't being rude. He didn't interrupt me. I asked him to cut me off when I was going on a tantrum without thinking about my actions because of my blood pressure. So, no. he didn't do anything wrong," she told him, standing her ground against his cold stare. "You heard him though. He admitted to it," he countered. Gertrude rolled her eyes sharply. "Of course, he would. What else is he to do? Argue!? Be gone! Leave the boy alone," she demanded.

I sighed in defeat. Tyle left, but I knew this wouldn't be over. Tyle wasn't the one to allow being slighted or disrespected, no matter how misguided the slight was. "I appreciate what you did for me. It's going to not make a difference though," I informed her. She gave me a curious look before I got cleaned up and ready for school. I bid her farewell and said that I would see her in the morning. She tried to call me back, but I was out of basically out of earshot at that time and I rushed out of the front doors of the orphanage.

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