The Start Of Chaos

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He stood before a building that was short in width, but tall and had three floors, the big name "Quarky" was hung on the building's face. He entered the main hall. Very bustling!
Laughers, curses and whisperings were heard by him all over the place, he walked through the crowd and reached the barwoman, Faska. She was a big-sized woman, tan skinned, and harsh-staring. He ordered a big cup of sweet green tea with menth, and two fried cakes, he tried not to make them fall in his way to sit in the tables. It was so full that many clients were sitting on tables, others were moving so much. Laughers. jokes, singsongs and disputes were often heard in Quarky. It was months ago since he last came there, and he used just to buy some snacks and then to leave the bar.
He peered around him, the place felt uncomfortably warm, he couldn't help feeling people's eyes examining him. Some were sitting with their crowd, engaging with them, others were very silent. Some looked, despite their silence, in company, others looked unwilling to socialize.
A group of men were taking down the stairs, before the entrance was a curtain, and they had to pay for two sturdy and armed men before going into the hidden place. He knew the shameful things that were happening right there.
He decided to eat the cakes first before getting to the second floor, where the meeting should be.
While he was biting a big mouthful of the hot sponge-like and oily cake, he heard some people talking about things like:
"Do you know why Gods in the skies are the richest? Because they have so many- SO MANY STARS ! DJEHAHA!"
His ear switched to another one in another table at the corner
"Oh, by Eunoph! You have certainly heard about the demonstrations, that week, haven't you? What a shame, you would have liked it, Mordan, the shoe sinker, made a really great scene, Haha!"
Mordan immediately thought of the moustached man who lead the demonstration he has seen, he felt surprised that he shared his name.
"Shoe sinker? What did he do?"
"He sank the shoe of the mayor's wife in the sea! He got it when the guards pulled him down, and we said together 'Down Down With Decree twenty two!', once he fell down, he strided in a cat-like speed to the Mayor's house for speech with him, he realized that he wasn't there, and Ratha, his wife, screamed hellishly and threw her leather shoe on him, but he catched it greatly and run away with it, on the front doors he found the guards who outstretched their hands to catch him, but he threw the shoe above the wall and jumped like a feline on their shoulders to reach the wall again, he jumped off again and run away with us like a champion, he held the shoe in front of the sea, saying, 'They throw on us their shoes, but they can't throw off our arms from us!', then he stretched his arm to throw it really away, and we all yelled in ecstasy!"
Mordan couldn't help but feel that the moustached Mordan was worth meeting.
After he finished his hot and delicious meal, he took his big ment tea mug, and went to the balcony of the second roof, where he could, see the meeting starting. He also felt uncomfortable in his chest, he realized that he had to engage again in distracting affairs, didn't he consider the mission he had before accepting to join that group?
"Hey Moor, come and have a sit! Well guys, this is Mordan, an old trusted friend."
Before embedding himself with the others in the circular table, many of them shook hands with him intensly, as if they were trying to detect treason out of him. He found there, the old shop owner, Jaff.
"I know this young man here (gesturing to Mordan), his father was a great friend of mine in the shop-owner brotherhood, now it's gone, however such affairs are good to have, especially in such times."
"Uncle Jaff, we apreciate your experience, that's why we've brought you here, and your old times were precious, we look forward to meet them."
And all of you have something great to share, in these shitty times, guys, one might bent his head, walk on four and bark while thinking he isn't like a dog, right? To be direct, we ought to fight them, those guys on the top, if they don't cease humiliating us."
"Yeah," said the ginger bearded Yoqorian tall man, Grunt, "I cannot resist more for an uprise! It's a madness, they are selling the products outseas with very low prices, it's a fact! And the funny part is that we're not getting any compensation, they're eating us coverlessly!"
Some approving whispers rose around the big rectangular table that was attached to the wall, in a deep side of the hall. "Umm Well-" said Trshko, a short and physically well-built man, eating a mouthful of fried rice and peanuts, next to him was a beer mug, he continued: "Ridiculous! Our products must just be in a lower quality, it's a simple rule."
A tall brown skinned man replied, "Torsok," (The regional way to pronounce Yoqorian names like Trshko and Frski), "We all know that we are producing very well, even better than the days before that company." And Jaff, the old shop owner, approved.

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