An Old Friend

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"A nice shop to have, Mr. Assiniy."
The quarter chief said smilingly, hands back-crossed, tight-looking like his men."
"It's not for sell." Mordan said simply, standing and facing him.
"Why not, and we have a nice offer?" He said in a friendly way.
"Our shop is our family tradition, only we who have the experience and knowledge of this leathercraft. It's impossible for you to run it without us." Mordan said calmly, in a matter-of-fact way.
The chief quarter looked down while sniggering and said, "And who told you we want to run it without you? The company makes a special offer for rare sophisticated manifactures like yours, you will still run your store as usual, the difference would be that you will be paid seventy per cent of what you gain each month."
That was not bad, Mordan thought. He has heard that fish manifacture owners get paid much lesser than that after their annexation to the company.

"But we would no longer be our own masters, just your subordinates." Mordan reflected.
"Who told you that again?" He said and smiled sickly, Mordan felt, the Chief continued, "Your case is special, you will stay in your position as a manager, we'll not often intervein in your buisness details, because your buisness is quite_prestigful."
It makes sense, Mordan thought. They seem to impose harsh dominance specifically on fish manifacturing, since it is the most economically significant. Mordan's green-brown eyes slid up to the ceiling, he had to find the perfect plan to get out of the city, drawing unecessary attention to his family or shop will only complicate matters.

The chief added, "You see? A benevolent offer! You've got one paper to sign if all is good."
Mordan looked sincerly interested, "All right, Chief. What about two thousand stars and a half as a price for the shop, hm?"
The chief laughed, and marched backwards to the outside and addressed the guards saying, "What a moron! Isn't he?", but they stayed stiff and silent, contrary to his expectation, so he brought himself back to a serious tone, "Listen boy, we actually don't buy, we take, that's degree 22," he showed him some paragraphs in a rolled parchement he was holding, "You see now? You have two hundreds and fifty stars, it's a symbolic exchange, boy."
Mordan winced saying, "It's too harsh,"
The other answered, outsretching his hands, "Be grateful, it's a benevolent offer right? HAHA! RIGHT?" He addressed his guards again, who just looked at each other, confused and blank.
"Next time, I will have to bring those who can get my jokes." He growled at himself.
A small pebble hit the wall, and then another striked the chief's head, others hit the guardians, and they all took out their wooden sticks when they noticed a child gang attacking them, Mordan's hands grabbed his head in despair when he detected Frski in their lead.
"GET AWAY FROM OUR SHOP YOU SONS OF ROTTEN ######" Yelled Frski, and threw some rocks that hitted one of the guards' helmets, it flew away.

Frski was lying in the living room while Mordan treated the wounds on his legs. He was beaten down by two guards when they caught him, his gang ran away once the guards caught their leader. Mordan interveined and convinced difficultly the chief-quarter to let Frski alone. He also confirmed his approval to continue the Shop's activity under the company's benefit. He should continue the procedures in the quarter office.
"What happened with your mind right then, Frski? Did you think we had a chance?" Asked Mordan, and Frski's hazel eyes were on the ceiling, unfocused.
"What you did was quite foolish, you think you can stand agaisnt an army or something? In the end you'll get beaten and will just lose everything. Nothing better happened."

"I know, this isn't much of your buisness, you have your plan in your head, but it IS something to me, Mor."
Mordan considered him, "You want to prove your Yoqorian worth by running it out? Listen, in any case you could have waited before ramming your self and that bunch of kids into the_ ####, and what if those kids got hurt by those dull armed guys, what's going on with you, Frask?!"
Frski said concernedly, "So you gave them the shop, after all."
"Sure. But listen," Mordan said, "The offer that chief guy gave me was not, for now, as bad as it looks." Then he told him about the quarter chief offer. When he ended, Frski winced and said slowly, "I don't know Mordan... It might work but Mom won't get it at all, will she?"
She should, Mordan thought.

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