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NOTE: stories date and time will also fictional they don't work with today's day, date or time so festivals mentioned in story is according to story time only!


In Mumbai at dhabha                                                                                                                                                 (guru ka dhabha) (road side restaurant)

(Raj stops his car  in front of  a dhabha as it is late in night around 1:3am  and he have to go to Delhi in urgency regarding to some business problem. So, he parked his car and sit on the table then order some food,..... after some time he looked at a girl with two plates in suit she is playing all alone by herself. So he decided to question the wife off guru who is sitting by her side on a chair.)

Raj: why is she playing like a kid? She look adult?

(Guru's wife janki)

Janki: she lost her memories in an accident and her mental heath too and now she is just a kid, who not remember about herself even a single detail. (Her eyes became teary when she tell these all things to Raj)

Raj: sorry! may I ask what happened to her?

Janki: we were serving our customers as usual suddenly this girl come in front off our dhabha shouting for help. And when she is just about to come this side of the road she met with an accident. A HORRIFIC accident, that accident change her whole life! And our life too but in a good way.

Raj: What's her name by the way?

Janki: we don't know about her real name but we used to call her Isha. Me and my husband always want a daughter so we accepted her. A decided our daughter name Isha when we were pregnant.. But we were blessed with boys both the time... may be its our destiny we can't fight it! Even we want to try one more time for daughter but doctor advice us not to because it risks my life too... So Guru don't want to try it at risk of my life!

Raj: if you don't have any problem so, may I join her, in her games?

Janki: yes you can but ask her before you join her. she is not comfortable with everyone!

Raj: can I ask a question?

Janki: yes you can my son.

Raj: why did you allow me so easily, I mean you never know my intention? I may kidnap her!

Janki: many people get attracted by her innocence. she is not like mental ones, she is just a kid like 6years old some kid type, she never go anywhere with any random people specially without asking me. And secondly I only allow you to play with her in front of me as I kept an eye on you so don't worry. (Janki tell him everything in a very calm way)

Raj: okay! so that's the thing. I m not the one I see. many more people get attracted before too!

Janki: yess dear.

Raj: but wait where is she gone? I mean she is playing here right?

Janki: omg! Where the hell is she just disappeared she is playing here just few minutes ago no.  (Janki sounds very stressed)

Raj: aunty ji please relax I go and find her in left side and you go and search her in right.

Janki: okay please, I m trusting you please don't break my trust. And check back side also, Guru is gonna kill me for this. How careless I am!   (she is very scared!)

Raj: okay aunty ji now let's don't waste time please.

Janki: hmmm

(Both of them started finding her and on the back side Raj found her crying and beginning for let her go as two men are standing there with not good intentions... she is crying and dust covers her cheeks and hands too... )

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