49: Family

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"W-what? Really?"

The foil wrapping dropped out of the tight grasp of Satoru's teeth like a dead weight. Your eyes scanned his face as he took the information in. The corner's of his eyes creased as a smile crept onto his lips.

"How do you feel about that?" You asked, genuinely curious. You'd both casually mentioned the prospect of having another baby over the years but there'd always been a barrier. Recently however, the pressures of life had eased.
"Well it was only a matter of time" he murmered gently. Throwing the condom onto the floor he climbed onto the bed, his large forearms finding their place by your waist. "It's not like we've been as careful recently, maybe we both knew it was time". His hot breath saturated the skin on your stomach causing goosebumps to form. He delicately peppered kisses around your pelvis. "Hey little one" he whispered.

Your hand absentmindedly found itself running through his thick strands of hair as you listened to him affectionately talk to the bean. Lifting his face away from your navel, he hoisted his large body upwards so that his face was inline with yours. Your crimson eyes meet his azure ones momentarily before his lips crashed into yours. This kiss wasn't like the heated passionate exchange from before, it was soft and gentle.
His wide palm cupped your jaw, his thumb tenderly caressing the delicate surface of your cheek.

His kisses slowly moved from your mouth to the nap of your neck with the occasional nibble of your earlobe. His touch drove your senses wild, no matter how much time had passed your bodies still remained static to one another. Every kiss, bite, grope caused an involuntary hitch to your breath which Satoru revelled in.

Your arms wrapped around the narrow part of Satoru's waist, fingers clasping at the muscles rippling in his back. Your legs followed suit, pulling themselves around his lower back forcing him to press his hips into yours.

There it was.. that familiar feeling.

His rock hard shaft buried into pubic bone desperately trying to find it's way inside of you. You clasped it firmly, guiding it's way towards your entrance.
He pulled his face away from yours to look you in the eye as the tip of his cock pressed against your sensitive hole.
It was one of his favourite things, watching your face change as you took the breadth of his shaft.
"Please" you begged.
Leaning back onto his knees so he could get a full view, he ever so slowly pushed his shaft into your canal.

A pleasure filled hiss escaped from your parted lips, you could feel every inch of him rubbing the ridges of your insides until there was no more inches to take.
You both remained silent and still for a moment, taking everything in.
The day, the news, the view.. you couldn't ask for anything more perfect.
Life was at its peak.

Satoru gently began to pump in and out of you, his hands lovingly holding onto your hips, thumb caressing your tummy.
Those aqua eyes were fixated on you. Every moment you made was captured as a mental image in his brain.
The way your long locks were cascaded onto the bedsheets, how you always covered your face slightly with one hand due to the intensity of the moment, the look of your breasts as they lightly bounced with every movement.

The way your long locks were cascaded onto the bedsheets, how you always covered your face slightly with one hand due to the intensity of the moment, the look of your breasts as they lightly bounced with every movement

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