18: Confrontation

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"No. No, it's not possible. Suguru would never"

Gojo clenched his fists tightly. You'd never seen his face like this before, it was warped and distorted with rage.
Your own mind couldn't process the information, surely it couldn't be.
Not your Suguru.

Your mind twisted with the words he'd been spouting the last time you saw him. No humans, no curses. Humans are monkeys.
You didn't want to believe what Yaga was saying to be true, but your gut told you otherwise.

Satoru slammed his fist down onto the oak desk which brought your mind crashing back to reality. "I'm telling you Yaga. It's not him"

"Please pick up the phone, I just need to know your ok. Call me back"
You closed the call down and placed your phone on the bench. "He'll call" Shoko tried to reassure you both, and herself. Satoru on the other hand couldn't be reasoned with. He sat turned away from you with his chin nestled between his hands. He'd not spoken a word since being in that office.

Shoko was surprised at how you were coping, she'd expected you to be a sobbing mess but you weren't. The news just hadn't hit home yet, you needed to hear it from the horses mouth.

Buzzz buzzzz

Satoru jolted round to face you, his eyes now fixated on your phone. A gut wrenching pang of nerves hit you in your stomach as Suguru's name flashed up. You didn't even want to open the message.

Suguru ~
If you want to talk, meet me at Central Park in Shinjuku. Bring Satoru.

Message sent at 15.47

"So what did he say?" Satoru asked impatiently. "He wants us to meet him at Shinjuku Central Park, just us two".
Shoko's expression turned to sadness, you knew she'd always felt a weird distance between herself and the three of you. This was bound to make it worse.
You hugged your friend tightly to reassure her. "Love you Shoko, don't you forget it"

The nearer you got to the park, the more your body naturally wanted to bolt back to safety. Every instinct in you wanted you to turn back and not face this nightmare but you couldn't. Satoru still hadn't spoken much which made matters worse. Part of you clung to his promise of facing this together but you'd both had the most devistating news, you couldn't hold him to that promise now.

It was a surprisingly sunny day. If it wasn't for the impending feeling of doom, it would of been a genuinely nice day to hang at the park with the two most important people in your life.
Huge cherry blossom trees danced in the breeze, scattering pink petals over the path you walked on. Then you saw him.

He was loitering near some bystanders that were watching street performers. His appearance was that same unfamiliar look, casual baggy clothing that hung loosely off of his frame and his gorgeous thick black locks in a half bun ontop his head.
Something was different to last time though, he looked happy. He looked free.

His eye caught you both and he titled his head with that familiar smile you were so used to. "Took you both long enough"

You were lost for words which happened to be fine as Gojo all of a sudden had plenty to say. "Tell me it isn't true. Tell me you didn't commit that crime"
His fists were balled tightly and his teeth bared in fury. Suguru rubbed his chin thinking about how to respond.
"Didn't Yaga fill you in? I honestly thought he would of..." his voice cold with disappointment.
"This is madness! A world without humans, don't you see how impossible that is?"

Geto chuckled which seemed to fuel Satoru's fire even more. "Impossible for me, yes? But not impossible for the great Satoru Gojo"
Satoru stood bewildered for a moment, processing his words. Suguru turned to you with a warm familiar smile, "you know there's always a place for you by my side.."

Before the words finished coming out of his mouth, Satoru had sprung in front of you and manipulated his hands preparing to use his cursed technique. "Fucking over my dead body will she go anywhere near you" he seethed.
Suguru let another laugh escape his lips. "Don't worry Satoru, she was never going to come with me. I'm not stupid, I've seen this coming for months now"

Your lids filled with water listening to him. What did he mean, did he know about what happened?
Geto could see the confusion etched on both of your faces, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear he came closer.
"You don't think I see the way you look at eachother? Don't worry Satoru, your feelings are most definitely reciprocated"

He turned his back to you both and casually started to walk away. "So what then? This is all a jealously thing?"
Satoru yelled at him as he continued to make distance. "Don't be ridiculous Satoru. I love her, always will but this is more than that. I desire a better world, be that with or without her by my side"

Satoru remained positioned ready to strike as his best friends body began to merge with the crowd.

"If your going to kill me, kill me. At least that will be for something"

 At least that will be for something"

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