35: Resurface

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That oh so familiar name rolled off of your tongue with ease.
Those captivating hazel eyes brashley eyeing you from the ground. You wanted to hate him, your mind was internally screaming but your heart panged at the mere sight of him.

You slipped off of Cyrax's back, your leather boots making a crunch on the gravel beneath them. You felt like your body was moving on its own, slowly closing ground between you, him and Yuta.

The muscle in Satoru's jaw rippled as he clenched his teeth. To many factors in this situation made him feel uncomfortable. The unpredictability of Suguru, the history between you both, the fact he'd had a child with his ex best friends old love.

"How about you get your clammy hand off my student" Gojo commanded, putting a hand on his hip with a smirk laced on his lips. There was no way he was going to give Suguru the satisfaction of showing his discomfort.

Geto gripped his fingers around Yuta's shoulder a little tighter.
"Just have a think about it. You have a powerful gift, make the right decision and use that energy to help our cause in purifying the world of humans"
Maki gritted her teeth and pointed the dagger of her polearm at Geto. Suguru grimaced at the female sorcerer in disgust, "you on the other hand, have no place in my world, monkey"

"That's enough Suguru!" you snapped, there was absolutely no way you were going to allow him to talk so disgustingly to any your students. "Leave peacefully or we'll use force"

Geto laughed maniacally at your words. "You think you could get Cyrax to attack me after all of those years together? All of those intimate moments we shared. Cyrax is as much a part of me as she is you"
You gritted your teeth, he was right. Just by the reaction your drake had given him, you knew she'd find it difficult to harm your old flame.

"Who says we need Cyrax or Caraxes"
Gojo called out smugly. "I don't even think I'd need to use purple to finish you off". Suguru shrugged, "if you have the guts to do it".
Geto could sense the hostility of the environment and knew his time was almost up. He turned to Yuta once more.
"So what do you think?"

Yuta shoved the ravenette males arm off of his shoulder with force. "I don't know much about this sorcerer stuff" the teen mused. "But I do know that anyone know threatens the safety of my friends, is an enemy to me"
A smile crept onto Satoru's lips. His gut never failed him, he knew his students through his core. He knew they'd always make the right choices.

"How disappointing" Suguru feined a hurt expression. "It would of been such a delight to have you work with us"
He turned his back to you and began to walk towards the twins and other members of his cause.
He placed both of his hands on the two young girls who giggled childishly at his touch. "Listen up. The reason I'm here, is to declare an act of war. The evening of the December 24th will be the Night of a Thousand Curses. They will be unleashed in Shinjuku Tokyo"

The giant pelican type bird opened its beak allowing the small group of sorcerer to hop inside its mouth.
"I look forward to seeing you all in battle. Especially you, y/n"

You absentmindedly leaned against the kitchen worktop listening to the crackles of popcorn popping in the pan.
"Are you sure you want to watch this movie?" Satoru pointed the remote at the TV and his daughter nodded eagerly in response. "Yesss! Moana!!"

Satoru laughed, grabbing his daughters sides and tickling them vigerously. "But.. you.. only.. watched.. that.. yesterday!"
Yuna squealed with delight, kicking her legs out and screaming big belly laughes.
These were the moments you lived for.
If someone had told you ten years ago that you'd have a daughter with Satoru Gojo and that he'd be the most fantastic father imaginable, you would of laughed them out of the building.
But that's exactly what he was, he was a girl dad, and a brilliant one at that.

You decanted the popcorn into a large bowl and sunk yourself into the plush sofa next to Yuna

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You decanted the popcorn into a large bowl and sunk yourself into the plush sofa next to Yuna. The young girl nestled herself into her two parents as the start up to the movie began.
Satoru slipped his arm over the back of the sofa, his hand grazing your silky locks as he pulled you closer together. Both of his girls snuggled up to him, his version of heaven.

A small snore bubble gently inflated and deflated as Yuna snoozed away against your lap. The movie was only half way through but this girl never made it to the end. You stroked her hair affectionately but thoughts of your encounter with Suguru plagued your mind.
Satoru was keenly watching you out of the corner of his eye, he could sense your moods better than anyone and he knew exactly what was eating you up.

"Things wouldn't be different you know.. we couldn't of changed anything"
You tore your eyes from your beautiful baby girl to face him. "It's been a constant thought in my mind, could I of done something different? Could I of prevented Suguru's downfall"
You listened intently, his words felt like they were your own. "But neither of us could. I think he's always felt this way and I had to stop beating myself up about it.. and so do you"

Small droplets of tears began to fill the your bottom lids making your vision foggy. He stroked your hair as you buried your face into his chest. "We've got something bigger to fight for now y/n. We fight for our students and most importantly, we fight for Yuna"
You peered up at him from the comfort of his soft cotton hoodie. Big cobalt eyes stared lovingly back at you.

"I'll fight until I die if it means I'm always with you"

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