43: Yes or No

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an; well god damn it's been a while, time for some sexual content me thinks! :D enjoy! it's quite hardcore fyi


The deep rumble of his voice snapped you out of your inner monologue. Your ruby eyes scoured his perfectly chisled face, you could see a hint of genuine anxiety due to agonising wait you were putting him through.

You crouched down, now eye level with him. Cupping his jaw in your hands you leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Of course I'll marry you"

You both maintained intense eye contact whilst he popped the delicate jewel out of the velvet case. Breaking the gaze you took another sneaky glance at that exquisite ring, the ebony stone glinted in light of the early evening moon.
Satoru positioned the engagement ring and you held your hand out eagerly in acceptance. The white gold band slipped effortlessly onto your finger, it was a perfect fit.

You admired it as it sat elegantly poised on your hand for a moment.
Holy shit, you were now the fiance of Satoru Gojo.

Acknowledging the thought made your heart skip. You were no idiot, you knew the sex appeal this man had. Anywhere you went with him, flocks of women sat practically drooling and not from their mouthes! But now.. now he was officially off the market.
You, the future Mrs Gojo.

"Hey y/n, could you take the ring off for just one sec. I want to show you something". You looked at him confused, "You just put it on and now I'm taking it off?" You pouted like a hurt puppy before winking playfully.
"Hold it up to the light and look inside"
You gently eased the band off your finger as Satoru began to talk once more, this time his head to the ground unable to look at you.

"So that night.. the night.. we lost.. him"
His voice became almost inaudible at the end but to you the word him was deafening. You tore your eyes from the jewel to focus on your fiancé who was still fixated on the floor.
"He gave that ring to me. It was meant for you, but he was supposed to be the one to give it to you"

"He asked me to use this as the ring I proposed to you with. Honestly part of me didn't want to tell you.. but I couldn't keep this from you. He loved you more than anything, as do I"
Finally those piercing blue eyes cast themselves up to meet yours. They were full of sadness and regret.
"Look at the outside of the band" he nodded his head in gesture towards the ring. You contorted the metal in the light when the words Satoru & Y/n flickered from the shadows. "And now.. look at the inside"

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion once more but you did as you were told and flipped the ring to adjust the light ensuring it hit the inner part of the band.

In loving memory of Suguru Geto

In loving memory of Suguru Geto

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