47: Honour Pt2

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Satoru's face immediately softened at the sight of you. Those bewitching azure eyes widened, tears gathering at his waterline. The towering six foot man's legs suddenly faultered beneath him, crashing to his knees on the podium before you. The vision of him, you in that dress. It had to be a dream surely... This was the moment he'd been waiting for since the moment he'd laid eyes on you.

Seeing your fiancé overcome by emotion tore a hole in your composure. You fanned your face to try and stop the liquid seeping out of your eyes and ruining your makeup. Small whimpers and sniffles could be heard from the stalls behind you. You easily recognised Shoko blubbing into some tissue.

A soft palm landed on Gojo's shoulder which made the ivory haired male look up. Kento was smiling gently down at him, "Come on, friend" the mousey blonde held his free hand out for Satoru to grasp. Pulling himself up he turned to face you again, you were at the bottom of the steps awaiting him.
The corners of Yaga's mouth turned up as he lifted your hand out and offered it to Satoru. "You've got it from here"

You could of sworn the moment your fingertips touched his palm there was a spark of electricity. Your hand moulded perfectly into his, the warmth exuding from his skin slowly guiding you up the steps. The reassurance of his hand in yours was the confidence you needed to make it up by his side.

Gojo eagerly grasped your other hand, cradling them both in front of you.
"You are breathtaking" he whispered. Your cheeks flush crimson at the compliment, there was never a day that boy couldn't make you blush.
"Don't scrub up badly yourself" you giggle nervously.

"Ahem.. are we ready?"
The registrar to your side had a rather old book laid out in front of him on a stand. He looked to you both for approval to continue to which you nodded. "Family, friends, loved ones. We're gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Satoru Gojo and Y/n Tatsuya.."

The short plump man continued to prattle on with his ritual, you and Satoru were paying zero attention. You couldn't take your eyes off eachother. He traced shapes delicately on the top of your hand with his thumb. "This guy boring or what?" Gojo mouthed at you making you cough a laugh. The registrar stopped whilst you composed yourself again.
"Now to the vows.."

"Me.. you.. hotel room in 10?" He mouthed again just as Kento elbowed him in the side. "Cut it out" Nanami groaned whilst holding out the tattered papers he'd been working on earlier.
Gojo pushed them back into his friends hand. "Don't need them.. I got this" he beamed.

I've never had a family. Not a true one anyway. All of my life I've been a prodigy, raised to be the ultimate sorcerer.. that was never good enough for my parents though. They wanted more from me..

That's where you came a long.
Some random feisty girl comes into my house and is told we're to marry.
Well anyone you knows my y/n will know that she doesn't take to demands very well. Was she going to marry me? Like heck. Instead she set me on fire!
Gojo laughed.

She had guts! Everyone feared me.. but not you.

Not you Y/n

Ever since that moment I've been hopelessly in love with you.. obsessed would be the word. My heart would skip the moment you entered the room, the second I could hear your voice, the instant your perfume entered my senses.
My body and mind craves you in every way.

We've had our bumps along the way but I wouldn't change any of it. It gave me you, and it gave me our daughter.

I owe you everything. I'm not me without you and I promise I will protect, love and cherish you and our family until the end of my days.
My soul mate, my lover, my friend.

𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐭 | GOJO Where stories live. Discover now