Chapter 22

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Naqyl is visibly shocked when he sees who's standing in front of him. He stares at his brother with a mixture of dismay and disappointment. "Arzhel...what did you do?"

Arzhel looks at Naqyl, but he doesn't seem at all surprised by his presence. "Don't act all high and mighty, Naqyl. I did it for family, and I regret nothing about it. I would have done anything for my brother and his wife."

Naqyl stares at his brother, stunned by this complete lack of remorse. "So you just hit that person with a lorry..." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Arzhel, you killed a human being! Do you even realize the gravity of what you have done?"

Arzhel stares defiantly at his younger brother. "The only thing I regret about it is that the bastard survived. I should have made sure he died right there. I would have been doing my family a favor, because him being alive is only going to keep causing problems."

Naqyl stares back at his older brother in disbelief. His expression is full of anger and shock, and he can't believe what he is hearing. "Arzhel, do you even hear yourself right now? You're saying that you wanted to kill a human being...just because you think he's a threat to our family? You're going too far."

Arzhel lets out a loud laugh and he shakes his head. "Going too far? He kidnapped our sister-in-law and he was trying to take their child. He's the one who took things too far as far as I'm concerned. I just was just trying to protect our family. I'm just taking out the trash before it becomes a bigger problem."

Naqyl is furious at the way his older sibling is speaking so casually about ending someone's life. "That is not your decision to make, Arzhel! It's not your place to decide when someone dies. We have courts for a reason. You don't know all the facts and you've made assumptions by jumping to conclusions. What you did was wrong. Very wrong."

Naqyl is at a loss for words after this heated exchange with his older brother. He's completely appalled by the way his sibling is speaking without any remorse for taking the life of another person. He doesn't know how to get through to his brother, so he just walks away without another word.

Naqyl walks away from this situation, feeling utterly speechless. He can't even begin to process the way his older brother viewed this whole situation. His only thought is that his older sibling just committed a terrible crime and that he got away with it for now.

Naqyl has spent years searching for his older brother, and he's tried to come to terms with the fact that he may never see him again. But now, after all this time, he's finally found him, and under the worst possible circumstances. Naqyl feels a wave of disappointment wash over him, since this is not how he wanted their reunion to happen.

Naqyl tries to keep his emotions in check, but he can't help feeling immensely saddened by this situation. What he had hoped would be a joyous reconciliation has instead turned into something much more tragic and sobering. He can't help but despair at the thought that his older brother has committed such a gruesome act.

Naqyl is overcome with these overwhelming feelings of grief, anger, and disappointment. He wants to lash out at his brother for what he's done, but he knows that it won't make the situation any better. What's done is done, and all he can do now is try to process his emotions and come to terms with this devastating turn of events.

Skip time

The doorbell of Ariel's family house is being rung every few minutes.

Each time, the door is answered, a new person will claim that they have information that Lucian is still alive.

Each time, they will be sent away.

But the doorbell continues to ring, and every time it rings it seems louder. The knocks on the door seem more frantic, and the sound starts to make Ariel's family annoyed.

"So, you wanna tell me that Lucian is still alive?! Do you have a proof then?!" Ariel shouting at his brother, Naqyl.

"Of course he's alive," Naqyl yells back at her. "Can't you see all the reporters? They've been here for hours shouting that he is. All of them can't be wrong!"

Ariel shakes her head. "He's probably hired all of those reporters. You remember what he did last time? He faked his own death and caused all of us emotional distress. Don't tell me you're falling for it again!"

"Of course I'm falling for it again," Naqyl replies. "And I would feel guilty if I didn't. You know what? Next time a reporter comes to the door I'm going to let him in. I'm going to listen to what he has to say and I'm going to be hopeful. This whole situation is too much to take, and I can't stand it anymore."

"You wanna let him it? Excuse me?! Have you forgot what he has done to my family?! He threatens me! Almost make me die! He even kidnapped my wife! My sons! I can't forgive him!" Ariel shouted again.

Naqyl stands his ground. "I know what he's done. But I'm tired of feeling scared all the time. Maybe if I hear what he has to say it'll make everything easier..."

Ariel throws her hands up in frustration. He's about to argue back when he stops herself. "Do what you want," he says with an irritated voice, "but don't come crying to me when he tries to ruin our family again."

Naqyl stands his ground. "I know what he's done. But I'm tired of feeling scared all the time. Maybe if I hear what he has to say it'll make everything easier..."

But at distance, silhouette of a man can be seen in the shadows, smiling and smirking.

"I'll ruin you life again, Ariel," he says to himself, enjoying the thought. "I'm not done with you yet."

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