Chapter 11

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Izza talks about Kieran and how he had warned her about Lucian and told her to be careful around him that day of their wedding. "On my wedding night, my brother did told me to be careful of him, but I say that I'll be fine. My brother also know Lucian more than me since Lucian is my brother schoolmate and Lucian also problematic student." She explains that Kieran knew Lucian and he was concerned about Izza as they were getting married and he was worried for her safety. Izzas explains that Kieran never explicitly gave her reason to believe that Lucian was dangerous or that he would hurt her, but she knew there was something about him that gave Kieran a bad vibe.

Izza tells the police that she's scared of Lucian. "I'm scared of him, Naqyl. I'm so scared that he might kidnap more other people." Now that she knows his true identity and what he's capable of doing. She explains that she's afraid that he might come after her again and she doesn't feel safe knowing he's out there. She says that she wants him to stay behind bars, where he can't cause any more pain and harm. Naqyl understand her fears and say, "Don't worry Izza. I'll make him suffer. That's my promise to you. I'll keep you safe. I won't let him hurt you anymore." Naqyl promise to keep her safe and to make sure that Lucian never again gets the chance to hurt her again.

The police take Izza's fears of Lucian very seriously and they reassure her that he's behind bars and that she's safe from him. They also tell her that they will make sure to keep Lucian locked up for a long time and they'll take the necessary steps to ensure that he never gets into her life again. The police want her to feel protected and to not have to worry about Lucian anymore.

The police have now arrested Lucian and the case is being built around his involvement in the kidnapping of Izza. They're working hard to bring justice to Izza and to make sure that she gets the protection and safety that she needs. She's feeling a lot more relieved to know that Lucian is behind bars and she's ready to move on with her life and put this whole thing behind her. The police are also making sure to keep a watch on her, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger and keeping her safe from any possible future threats.

"I hate seeing his face. I hate him so much. I want him to die," Izza couldn't hold her anger anymore and her tears drop down her cheeks.

"I understand, Izza. I understand exactly how you feel. You're safe now, I promise. You won't ever have to see him again. I'm going to keep him behind bars, where he can't hurt you, Naqyl says.

Naqyl reaches out and gently strokes Izza's hair. He looks at her with a comforting and reassuring look in his eyes as he tries to reassure her that everything is going to be alright. Naqyl keeps stroking Izza's hair and he tells her that they're going to take care of everything.

Izza is holding back her tears but she seems overwhelmed with emotion and trauma, as if it just now has hit her what has happened and she's realizing the full extend of the situation. She tries to keep it together, but she can't help but to be afraid and distraught as the tears begin to flow down her cheeks. Naqyl immediately sees this and he pulls Izza into a hug, holding her close and trying to comfort he as she lets out her tears and expresses her fear and trauma.

Naqyl takes her in his arms and he holds her tightly, trying to give her reassurance and comfort. He strokes her hair and he whispers soothing words in her ear, trying to ease her emotional distress. He's saying things like "It's going to be okay" and "You're safe with me." He keeps holding her close and he doesn't want to let go for her until she's ready to face the reality of everything that has happened.

Izza finally calms down and she's no longer crying and she manages to wipe her tears away. She looks at Naqyl with a grateful look in her eyes and she says, "Thank you for saving me." Naqyl smiles back at her and he gives her a reassuring look, letting her know that he did it all for her and that he'll never let anyone hurt her again.

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