Chapter 7

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Ariel try to punch Lucian but he's stronger and bigger than him but he's not going to give up. He pulls harder and Izza cries in fear; her ex-husband is getting increasingly angry and aggressive. Ariel still refuses to let go of him though and he uses his feet to try and kick Lucian back but he doesn't let go. They are both desperate to get what they want, but someone will have to give in at some point. This struggle is intense, but it can't go on for much longer...

Lucian realizes that he's not going to win this battle against Ariel and so he releases his grip on Izza. As he walks away, he throws a few more threats back at her, "This isn't the last time you'll hear from me. I'm not given up on my son. I'll take him from you one day. You're not the fit mother that he needs, and I'm going to make sure he gets what he deserves." The air is thick and heavy with the feeling of sadness and loss, but Lucian finally walks away.

Izza feels completely overwhelmed and she lets out a relieved breath as Lucian finally walks away. She feels like she can finally breathe again, but her heart is still racing and her head is spinning. She's in shock and tears are still forming in her eyes. Ariel comes to her side and comfort her, "It's okay, Izza. It's over. He walked away, and that's what matters." Izza nods shakily, feeling extremely overwhelmed and relieved at the same time. She's so glad that Lucian is gone but the entire situation has been traumatic.

Izza thanks Ariel for intervening and helping her fend off her ex-husband, "Thank you so much for stepping in and helping. I don't know what I would've done without you." Ariel smiles reassuringly at Izza, "It's no problem, I'm just glad that you're okay. I wasn't going to let him take your son from you without putting up a fight." Izza nods softly and smiles at Ariel with some gratefulness, "I really appreciate your help and I'm so grateful to you for being here, Ariel."

Ariel turns to Izza, "I have to ask, just to settle everything once and for all, is he is Raiq's biological father? I'm sorry but I can't live with the uncertainty." Izza hesitates but she decides to come clean and tell him, "No, Lucian isn't the father of my son. And, the reason why I can't tell you who the other man is because he has passed away." Ariel is surprised to hear this and he doesn't know what to say.

Izza continues, "I was already in a relationship when I got pregnant, and I didn't know that I was pregnant until it was too late and my child's father had died. I didn't want to raise my baby alone and so I had a friend who helped me raise Raiq. That's the reason why the father on the birth certificate is Lucian." Ariel takes a deep breath and absorbs this information, "I see...that's a lot to take in." But I'm glad that he finally knows the truth.

Ariel is a bit confused by the information that Izza has shared with him. But he doesn't have the heart to push her further. Ariel can tell that this is a sensitive topic for Izza, and he doesn't want to upset her by asking more questions. He also doesn't know what to make of the fact that Izza had a friend who helped raise Raiq. But he nods and doesn't press her any further.

Ariel asks her, "If you don't mind me asking, where is your friend now?" Izza seems a bit hesitant to answer this question, but she decides to tell Ariel enough to open up and share this information with him. "I don't mind you asking. My friend is gone as well. A few years ago, he passed away from an illness and he couldn't have been here to help raise Raiq with me." Ariel nods with empathy, "I'm so sorry to hear that." He doesn't know what else to say.Izza continues, "It's been a tough few years. Losing my son's father, and then the man who helped me raise him. But I'm doing the best that I can with what I've got." Ariel nods thoughtfully, "It sounds like these past few years have been rough for you. I'm sorry that you have to go through this alone." Izza smiles softly at Ariel, "It's okay, thanks for listening to me." He smiles as he sees her brighter mood.

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