Chapter 21

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Naqyl is out on patrol when he receives a call from the station about a possible kidnapping. He is immediately worried and speeds off to investigate the situation.

As he comes around the corner, he sees Lucian in a shadowy alleyway. Lucian is clutching the squirming child tightly in his arms, trying to keep him from escaping.

Naqyl immediately draws his gun and calls out to Lucian. "Freeze! Police!" Lucian turns to look at Naqyl, and he looks startled by his sudden appearance. He looks down at Raiq in his arms and then back up at Naqyl. Naqyl remains vigilant, keeping his weapon pointed firmly at Lucian as he approaches him. Lucian's grip tightens slightly around Raiq, but Naqyl doesn't flinch. "Drop the child, and put your hands behind your head."

Lucian's expression darkens and he glares at Naqyl. His grip tightens even more around Raiq and he refuses to let him go. "No, you're not taking him away from me. He's coming with me." Naqyl remains calm but firm. "I said drop the child and put your hands behind your head now." He keeps his weapon aimed squarely at Lucian and his eyes are cold and ruthless. He's not taking any chances with this one.

Naqyl pulls the trigger and the bullet hits Lucian in the leg. The force of the shot knocks Lucian's leg backward and he screams in pain as he falls to the ground. He drops Raiq in the process and the child scrambles away from him and runs to Naqyl for protection. Naqyl stands over Lucian, pointing his gun at him. "Don't move, or I'll shoot you again," he warns. Lucian glares up at him, his face twisted in pain and anger. "Don't do this, you're making a big mistake. Raiq is my son, I'm not doing anything wrong here just by wanting to be with him."

Naqyl looks down at Lucian with a stony expression. "You'll have to let the court decide that one. Right now, you're kidnapping this child and I'm not letting you get away with it. Now stay still." He keeps his gun pointed at Lucian, ready to shoot if he tries to move. Kieran and Farish arrive at the scene and they see the situation unfolding in front of them. They immediately approach, and Naqyl explains to them what happened. When they see the child nearby, Kieran's eyes narrow with wrath. He looks at Farish, and they seem to have a silent understanding of the situation. They quickly take action and move in on Lucian.

Kieran and Farish grab hold of Lucian and drag him to his feet, forcibly pulling him away from the child. Naqyl keeps his gun pointed at Lucian, just in case he tries anything. Kieran stares at Lucian with a fierce expression on his face and he is barely keeping his composure.

Kieran and Farish don't let go of Lucian, keeping him pinned in place while they await the arrival of reinforcements. Kieran's grip tightens on Lucian's arms, and he doesn't hesitate to use force when he doesn't cooperate.

As Kieran and Farish try to restrain him, Lucian suddenly breaks free and runs into the street. He doesn't see the cement lorry coming towards him, and he gets hit by it. He is knocked off his feet and he falls painfully to the ground, unconscious.

Kieran and Farish are stunned by the accident and they stare at the scene in shock. Naqyl also stops and looks over at the scene, his expression turning to horror. The three of them hurry over to the site and rush to Lucian's side.

Kieran looks at the unconscious Lucian and he kneels down next to him. He tries to check his pulse, but it's hard to tell. "I-I... I can't tell. I think he might be unconscious, but I can't be sure." Farish kneels down next to Kieran and grabs Lucian's other wrist, trying to feel for a heartbeat.

Kieran and Farish look at each other with worried expressions as they try to determine the extent of Lucian's injuries. Naqyl also comes over and joins the group. He stands behind Kieran and Farish, looking over their shoulders as they continue to check for a pulse.

The three of them quickly realize that the cement lorry driver has escaped the scene, leaving them to deal with the aftermath of this accident. Kieran checks Lucian's pulse again but he still can't feel it. He looks over at Farish and Naqyl with a look of concern. "I think he's dead..."

Farish looks over at Lucian's body and he nods in agreement. "I'm pretty sure he's dead. We have to report this immediately." Kieran nods, and his eyes are full of anger at what has happened. "We have to find the driver and make sure they are punished for this." Naqyl nods and he pulls out his radio to call for backup. "This is Naqyl reporting a fatal accident. The driver of the cement lorry has fled the scene. We need to find this person and make sure they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I need backup to the location immediately."

Naqyl listens to the radio response from the station and they confirm that they are sending several patrol cars and an ambulance to the scene. Naqyl hangs up the radio and he looks at Kieran and Farish. "You two stay here with the body until the ambulance arrives. I'm going to go after the driver and try to make sure they're arrested."

Kieran nods and looks at Farish. "Let's make sure that that bastard pays." The two of them look with grim determination as they prepare to stay with the body until the authorities arrive. Naqyl nods in understanding and he heads off in the direction the lorry drove away in.

The ambulance arrives and the paramedics immediately begin attending to Lucian's body. They check for a pulse once again, but there is still none. They check his other vitals and they determine that he has died. They quickly cover his body in a white sheet and they load it into the ambulance.

They drive off with Lucian's body, heading for the hospital to perform an autopsy and determine the exact cause of death. Meanwhile, Kieran and Farish remain at the scene, keeping vigil over the body and waiting for the authorities to arrive.

The authorities arrive at the scene shortly after the ambulance departs. The police investigate the accident and they take down statements from Kieran and Farish. They also check the footage from security cameras in the area, which manage to catch the moment of the accident and the lorry driver fleeing the scene.

The police are able to track down the driver's license plate from the footage, and they are able to trace the driver's identity. They soon find the driver's address and they head over to the location to arrest the driver and bring them in for questioning.

The police take into custody the cement lorry driver, who is identified as Arzhel Affan, Ariel's older brother who he hasn't seen for a very long time. The police bring him in for questioning, and they ask him to explain why he fled the scene of the accident.

The police look at him in shock when they hear this explanation. "You hit the man with the lorry on purpose?" They ask in disbelief. "Yes, I did it for my brother Ariel and his wife Izza. I was just trying to protect them from that lunatic. I didn't know what else to do."

The police raise their eyebrows in surprise. "So you decided to take the law into your own hands and hit him with a lorry...for their sake?" The officer is skeptical of this explanation.

Arzhel nodded and say, "Yes. I wanna protect my brother and my sister in law."

The police have to suppress a laugh when they hear this explanation. "So you tried to protect them by committing vehicular manslaughter? You do realize that what you did is highly illegal, right? It's not your place to decide who lives and who dies. That's a job for the courts."

Arzhel shrugs. "I know, but I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to protect my family and I didn't want that lunatic to hurt them," he says, sounding frustrated. "So what if it's illegal? It was the only way I could keep them safe."

The police shake their heads in disbelief. "So you were just doing what you thought was best, is that it? You acted on impulse and didn't stop to think about the consequences." They try to stay professional, but they're having a hard time not making sarcastic remarks.

Arzhel rolls his eyes and raises his voice a bit. "Look, I know what I did was wrong, okay?" He takes a deep breath and try to calm himself down. "But I did it for my family, and I would do it again if I had to."

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