Chapter 1

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3 years ago...

A beautiful white church stands at the end of a small cobblestone path surrounded by vibrant flowers. Lucian walks down the aisle with Izza, they look happy and excited to be making this commitment to each other. The priest reads the vows and Izza and Lucian vow to be faithful and loving, through sickness and happiness and through triumph and tragedy. The priest pronounces them husband and wife and the congregation cheers in celebration.

Lucian takes Izza's hand and they look into each other's eyes, filled with love and joy, and they walk down the aisle together as husband and wife.

Later at the reception, Lucian and Izza are dancing together to a slow song. The decorations are beautiful and the air is filled with the sounds of laughter and joy. Izza leans in and whispers in Lucian's ear, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

Lucian smiles and pulls Izza close to him. He whispers back to her, "I'm the lucky one. I get to wake up to you every morning."

At the wedding reception, Izza is enjoying a dance with Lucian when her brother Kieran steps up to the edge of the dance floor and speaks to her. "Hey, Izza, can I talk to you for a sec?"

Izza nodded and steps away from Lucian and walks with her brother over to a quiet corner of the room. Kieran looks concerned as he talks to Izza. "I'm sorry to bring this up at the wedding," he says, "but I need to talk to you about something important."

Izza looks worried as she listens intently to Kieran. She's curious what he could possibly be talking about, but she doesn't want to cause a scene at the wedding. "What is it, Kieran?" she asks, leaning in closer to hear him clearly.

Kieran looks around to make sure they're alone before he speaks again, "I need to tell you about... um, a rumor I heard about Lucian." Izza's eyes widen as she waits for her brother to continue.

"About what?..." Izza suddenly feel uneasy.

Kieran looks around again, making sure no one can hear them. "Okay, look, I promised I wouldn't say anything, but as your brother, I feel like you deserve to know the truth. There have been... rumors going around about Lucian. That's why he never showed up at any family gatherings or anything. But I trust him and I know he'd never do anything to hurt you. And he seems so happy with you now, so I didn't think you needed to know. But I think you have a right to know. I'm sorry."

Izza look at Kieran and ask, "Hold on.. What rumors...?"

Kieran looks down at the floor, "There have been rumors going around that Lucian is involved in some... unsavory activities. I don't want to get into the details, but people say he's done some things he shouldn't have. I don't know if it's true or not, but I thought you should know. I'm sorry to make things awkward, especially on your wedding day. But I think you deserve to know."

Izza gulping and look at Kieran again, "Seriously?... Eyy, you must be joking isn't?" Izza try to act fool.

Kieran looks at Izza seriously, "I'm sorry, Izza, but it's true. People have been talking about it for a few months, at least. I didn't want to ruin your wedding day, that's why I never said anything to you before. And again, I have no proof that he's actually done anything. But... I thought it was important for you to know."

Izza looks at Kieran with shock, "You're serious?" she whispers. She knows she needs to talk to Lucian, but she doesn't want to ruin the happy celebrations. She turns to her brother and speaks in a low voice, "I have to talk to him. I'm not sure what to believe, but I deserve to know the truth."

Kieran nods sadly, "I know this is hard to hear, Izza. But you should know that I trust Lucian. He's a good guy, and I've never thought that he'd do anything to hurt you or anyone else. Talk to him and ask him about it, and see what he has to say. Just remember I'm here for you, okay?"

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