Chapter 9

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A few weeks later, Izza is taking her lunch break when she suddenly feels a sharp pain in the back of her neck. At first, she doesn't understand what's happening and she tries to reach back to scratch the back of her neck, but the pain suddenly escalates and she feels like she's being pulled against her will. She's in a bit of a daze as the pain suddenly increases and before she knows it, she's been pulled into the back of a dark black van. Her breath catches in her throat as her eyes go wide in fear.

Izza is horrified as she realizes that she's being kidnapped. She starts struggling to move but she can't free herself from the van. She hears the door closing as the driver gets back in the driver's seat and she hears the van starting up. She feels her throat close up from the panic and the sense of helplessness she feels. She's being taken away without any reason or understanding of the situation and she can't help but feel terrified as she's pulled further and further away from her familiar surroundings.

Izza's heart is racing as the dark van starts to move, its engine making a loud and menacing noise. As she continues to struggle, she tries to scream and attract the attention of any passerby's but no one seems to hear her cries. She feels completely hopeless and she is in absolute shock at what's happening. She tries to get a glimpse of her surroundings but all she can see is darkness outside the back of the van as she continues to be pulled towards an unknown destination.

Izza is in a state of pure panic as the van continues to accelerate. She feels like she's trapped in a deep, dark hole of despair with no means of escaping the hell hole that she's being forced into. Her breathing becomes increasingly labored as she starts thinking about the worst-case scenario of what could happen to her. She tries to think of ways to escape but she can't come up with anything and it's clear that she's completely at the mercy of her kidnapper.

The van makes a sharp turn and it comes to a stop in front of an abandoned house. Izza feels the vibrations in the floor as the van comes to a sudden halt. The door opens and Lucian's face appears in the darkness, "Get out, we're here." Izza stares at him, horrified, as she tries to process what's going on. Her mind is racing with a million thoughts and she doesn't know what kind of fate awaits her here. She tries to fight back but she's quickly overpowered and she's being dragged out of the van.

Once Izza has been pulled out of the van, she starts to struggle and fight against Lucian, but it's no use. He's much stronger than she is and he is able to easily overpower her. He pulls her towards the abandoned house and he forces her inside. Izza is completely at his mercy and she feels absolutely powerless against him. She has no idea what he's planning to do with her or why he's done this. She tries to stay as calm as she can, but she can feel the panic taking over her mind.

Once inside the house, Lucian forces Izza to sit down on the floor and he stands in front of her with his arms crossed. He looks down at her with a menacing stare as she sits in front of him, trying to fight the growing sense of desperation and fear that's building up inside of her. She looks at him with wide eyes, trying to understand what he wants from her but she can't get a sense of what's going through his mind. He remains silent and he just stares down at her without offering any words of explanation. It's making her increasingly uneasy.

Izza can feel her heart beating faster and faster as she continues to stare up at Lucian with fear and anxiety. She can't think straight and she has no way of guessing what he wants from her. All she can do is sit there and wait as he just stares back at her with a cold and menacing glare. The silence between them is growing increasingly uncomfortable and she finds herself struggling to control her breathing as the tension builds.

The silence becomes even more unbearable as the minutes pass by. Izza keeps trying to remain calm and composed, but Lucian's imposing presence is making it hard for her to keep her cool. She's trying to guess what he wants from her but she's coming up empty, and she's beginning to feel incredibly anxious about what's happening.


Days go by and Izza hasn't shown up for work. Her coworkers try to reach her but she's not responding to their calls and messages. Izza's manager, Ariel, is becoming increasingly worried about her, since this is very unlike Izza. Ariel keeps trying to contact her but he's getting no response. He starts to get scared that something might have happened to Izza, and he's not sure if he should take any drastic actions yet since he doesn't know if Izza is just ignoring him because she's busy or if something worse has happened.

Ariel is in a state of anxiety and worry over what could have happened to Izza. He's tried calling and texting her as many times as he can, but he hasn't been able to reach her at all. Ariel doesn't want to jump to conclusions and assume the worst, but it's hard not to be concerned. He keeps thinking back to the way Izza had been acting lately, with people confessing their feelings for her and her expressing her disinterest. Ariel is worried that this may have somehow played a part in whatever had happened to Izza.

Days pass by and Ariel continues to try to get in touch with Izza but she's still not responding. Ariel is beginning to feel like he's going crazy from the worry and anxiety he's feeling. He doesn't know what to do and he doesn't want to waste any more time sitting around and waiting for something to happen. He's going to have to figure out a way to track down Izza and see if he can find out what's really going on.

That night...

Ariel is having trouble sleeping because he keeps worrying about Izza. He can't stop thinking about what could've happened to his friend and it's making him feel very anxious. He gets up and he heads to his brother's room, Naqyl, hoping that he's still awake. He politely knocks on the door and his brother, Naqyl, answer. "Are you still awake? I need help." Ariel explains to Naqyl what's going on and that he's worried about Izza's disappearance. Naqyl reassures him and he promises to look into it for him.

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