Chapter 5

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Izza finishes her presentation and turns off the projector. Ariel looks back and forth from the design to the team, "What did everyone think? I think these designs were absolutely fantastic."

The team responds back to Ariel with general nods of approval, "Yes, I agree that these designs fit the A.F style well."

Ariel smiles and looks back over at Izza, "I think that went really well; the team seems to like your designs. You have a great eye for fashion, Izza."

After the meeting is over, Ariel takes Izza out for lunch. During lunch, Izza opens up about Raiq, her son. She tells Ariel about how Raiq is very creative and artistic like her, and how she believes he too could be a fashion designer one day. Ariel listens to Izza and nods along, "I think that's so wonderful, Izza. Your son sounds like a very smart and talented boy. I'm sure you're very proud of him."

A few years later...

Izza has fallen in love with Ariel, her boss. Izza has kept her feelings a secret because she's afraid that he'll reject her. Izza continues to work for A.F under Ariel and works closely with him on every project. Every day, she's around him and sees a warm and gentle side that she finds extremely attractive. However, she doesn't want to risk telling Ariel how she feels, so she keeps her emotions hidden.

It's been a few months since Izza's feelings for Ariel have flourished. She continues to be around him everyday and work closely with him. Her feelings for Ariel have only grown stronger, and her heart aches each time she spends time with him but can't express her feelings. She continues to be stuck in this position, wanting to tell Ariel how she feels but not wanting to risk her job or ruin the amazing working relationship she's built up with him.

Izza continues her working relationship with Ariel, but finds herself becoming more and more frustrated with the situation. She can't help but feel sad when she spends time with him knowing that she can't express her feelings for him. She feels as if she's trapped and doesn't know what to do. She decides that she can't live like this anymore and realizes she wants to tell Ariel how she feels. She decides to take the risk and confess her feelings to him.

Izza decides to take the leap and confess her feelings for Ariel. She finds him one day after work and takes a deep breath. "Ariel, I have something I want to tell you." Ariel looks at Izza, "Yes, what's up? Is something wrong?"

Izza takes a deep breath, "I have feelings for you, Ariel. I thought you should know that. I know it's not appropriate to express my feelings towards you but I can't help the way I feel." Ariel looks a bit taken aback, " I didn't expect that."

Ariel tries to think of what to say in response to Izza's feelings, "Izza, I...I didn't expect to hear that. I, uh, I'm not sure what to say."

Izza stands nervously as Ariel struggles not to turn her down, "Ariel, it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me, I just wanted to let you know how I feel. I'm sorry if this changes things between us at work, but I want to be honest with you and I hope you can understand."

Ariel takes a few moments to think of what to say and how he wants to respond to Izza's feelings, "Izza, I care about you a lot. But...I'm not ready for a relationship right now. I've been so focused on my work and trying to make A.F successful that I don't think I have the time or energy to commit to someone. It's not that I don't have feelings for you. But, I want to be honest and let you know that I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

Izza nods, "I understand. I knew this was risky to say, but I had to let you know how I felt. Even if nothing happens between us, I wanted you to know how I felt and I hope we can still continue our work together and be friends."

Ariel smiles at Izza, "Of course. I appreciate that you took the time to share your feelings with me, and I'm sure we can still be friends and work together. We've built up such a good working relationship, and that means so much to me. I hope this doesn't affect that."

Izza nods and smiles back at Ariel, "Thank you, Ariel. It's okay that you don't feel the same way; I'm glad that you were so understanding and not upset." Ariel nods, "Of course, I want to be honest with you as well. But don't worry, this won't change anything between us. The important thing is that we remain good friends and continue to have a great working relationship. We can still hang out outside of work every once in awhile too."

Izza smiles, "I really appreciate that, Ariel. I'm glad that we can still remain friends and continue our work together. And I'm looking forward to hanging out outside of work too. But, for now, I should get back to work." Ariel nods and smiles, "Yes, sure. I should go get back to work too. Let's continue this conversation later, if you want." Izza nods and takes her leave, and Ariel soon does that same. She wonders if her confession affected their relationship and she hopes it didn't make things awkward between them.

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