Chapter 19

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After work...

Lucian arrange to meet up with Izza. Lucian try to stay relaxed and keep his poise, but Lucian secretly a little excited about the prospect of getting her back. Lucian arrive at the meeting place and see Izza waiting for him. She looks as beautiful as always, and Lucian nerves start to kick in. Lucian walk towards her and greet her with a smile.

They make small talk for a few minutes before Lucian get to the point. "So, I wanted to talk to you about something important." Lucian lean in and keep a close eye on her reactions. Lucian pause for a moment, just long enough to make her curious, then Lucian continue. "You know I care about you, right?" Lucian look at her directly in the eyes and wait for her response.

Lucian see a hint of disgust in her eyes, and it hurts him. Lucian was really hoping for a different reaction. But Lucian continue, trying to be his charming self in hopes of winning her back. "Please Lucian, move on. I've nothing to do with you anymore. I'm happy with Ariel," Izza say.

Lucian feel like she just stabbed a dagger through Lucian heart when she says those words. But Lucian don't give up that easily. Lucian have to keep fighting for her, no matter what it takes. Lucian put on a brave face and keep his composure. "I understand, but just hear me out, please." Lucian take a deep breath and try to convince her that she is making a mistake by staying with Ariel.

Lucian tell her that Ariel is just using her, and that he only married her because it was the most convenient thing to do. Lucian say that Ariel doesn't really love her and never did. Lucian point out all the ways in which Ariel is controlling and manipulative. Lucian try to make Izza doubt her relationship to the point where she starts to question whether she even loves Ariel anymore.

"You don't know him, Lucian. I know Ariel better than you." Izza say. Lucian sigh deeply and try to remain calm. "Maybe so, but you have to admit that the way Ariel treats you isn't normal or healthy. He's too controlling and possessive, and he doesn't let you have your own life. I know you're unhappy with him."

Izza get up and starts to walk away from Lucian and my heart sinks. Lucian follow her and try to stop her. Lucian beg her to listen to him, and tell her that he won't going to let her make the biggest mistake of her life.

"Please, stop and listen! Maybe I didn't know Ariel as well as I thought when we were together, but I do now. I see how he treats you and it's not right. You are too good for him and you deserve better. I know I hurt you in the past, but I've changed. Please, just give me one more chance to prove myself." Lucian pause for a moment and watch as Izza's expression shifts from cold to curious. She stops walking and glances at Lucian. Lucian hold my breath, waiting for her decision...

She sighs heavily and looks away from Lucian, considering my words. Lucian wait anxiously for her response, praying that she'll give him a second chance. Lucian gently take her hand and look her directly in the eye. "There's something else you should know," Lucian say. "Ariel doesn't actually love you. He only married you because it was the most convenient thing for him. He only uses you to take care of Raiq. He has no real feelings for you at all."

Lucian pause for a moment, letting his words sink in. And then Lucian say the thing he's been leading up to this whole time. "He doesn't love you. He never did. But I did. I always have and I always will. I love you so much, and I'm here to win you back." Izza's eyes widen in shock, as she realizes the truth. She looks at Lucian with a mix of emotions, and Lucian wait anxiously to see what she'll say.

Izza's facial expression softens as she listens to Lucian. She seems to believe what he saying, and it gives him hope. She looks at him with a tender expression, and he can see the spark of affection in her eyes. Lucian gently touch her face and she doesn't pull away. Lucian feel like this is my chance to prove himself to her, and to show her that he's changed. With each gesture, Lucian can see her barriers coming down and being replaced with trust in Lucian again.

Lucian continue, his words flowing easier now that he's gained her trust. "I would never hurt you again. I was wrong in the past and I know that now. I want nothing more than to be with you again, and this time I promise to treat you like the goddess you really are."

Izza's eyes flutter with emotion, and Lucian see the affection in her gaze again. It fills him with hope and he realize that this could really be his chance to get her back. Lucian keep going for it, pushing his luck as much as he can without being too pushy.

Lucian careful not to come on too strong, but he also not afraid to show his affection for her. Lucian keep going, his words of endearment flowing freely. "I know you don't trust me after everything that happened between us, but I promise that all that's in the past now. I'm not perfect, but I've changed and I care about you so much, Izza. I hope you can see that."

Izza hesitantly smiles. She is still a bit wary, but Lucian can tell that she is listening to him. Lucian keep pushing his luck, testing the boundaries a bit more by placing his hand on her back and pulling her closer. I look deep into her eyes and I feel like I'm making a connection with her again.

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