Chapter 12

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Two years later...

Two years after the kidnapping, Ariel and Izza has officially married. They're standing in front of family and friends, holding hands and exchanging their vows to make their marriage official. It is a happy and joyous occasion for everyone present, as they celebrate the union of two loving and devoted individuals. Everyone is filled with joy and happiness as they see the two finally tie the knot. It is truly a beautiful and amazing sight to behold, and everyone is filled with joy for the two of them.

After the wedding, the reception begins and everyone is having a great time, eating, drinking, dancing, and enjoying the occasion. Izza and Ariel cut the cake and they feed each other the first piece and everyone cheers and smiles at them. They smile back and Izza even winks at Ariel, expressing her deep love and affection for him. Everyone is filled with joy and happiness as they see the two of them getting married and they feel the deep connection between Izza and Ariel. Everyone is filled with warmth and joy.

"Thanks." Izza say, with a pretty smile on her face.

Ariel smiles back at her and he whispers, "You're welcome, my love". Izza seems truly happy and she feels blessed to have found Ariel and to be able to grow old together. They share a loving and affectionate glance and they both look forward to a bright and happy future together.

Ariel takes Izza's hand and they start the dance together. They dance very elegantly and they seem to fit perfectly together as they move around the floor, spinning and twirling. Their dance is filled with affection and love as they take in every moment together. The guests are all moved by their beautiful and graceful dance, as they watch the two of them in awe and admiration. It is a truly special moment for Izza and Ariel, and they're enjoying it immensely.

"It's been 2 years since that day..." Izza sighs, as she can't stop thinking about it.

Ariel nods his head in remembrance of the events from two years ago. He looks at Izza with an understanding and caring look and he holds her hand reassuringly. Ariel says, "Yes, I know. It's been two years, and yet it still feels so vivid in our memory. It's as if it just happened yesterday."

Ariel continues to hold Izza close to him and he pulls her hand towards him and places it against his chest. Ariel says, "But I want you to know that we're not going to talk about that today, not on a day that is so special and so full of joy. We need to focus on the now and the future. We're together, and you're safe with me, okay."

Izza smile, nods, "If it wasn't Naqyl helped, I would be die..."

Ariel chuckles faintly and he nods his head. He continues to hold Izza close to him and he kisses her on the cheek. Ariel says, "You're right, Izza. If it wasn't for Naqyl, I don't know where you would be. But you're with me now, safe and happy, and we're going to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you again."

The music keeps playing and the two of them keep dancing together, making the most of this wonderful and heartwarming moment. They're focused on each other and they're enjoying the special day that they have been eagerly awaiting. As they keep on dancing and taking in all the love and joy around them, Ariel leans his head closer to Izza and he whispers, "I love you so much".

Izza smiles warmly and she turns her face towards Ariel's. She whispers back, "I love you too" and she gives him a kiss. The music continues to play and the guests continue watching them with awe and admiration. It is a truly beautiful sight to behold, the love and devotion between Izza and Ariel. The guests are touched by this beautiful sight and there are moments where some of the guests even shed tears due to the deep sentiment of love and affection of the moment. It is truly a magical and truly unforgettable moment.

Two year later...

Two years after the wedding, Lucian gets released from prison by his lawyer, Muhd. Falih Aish. He is released under a very strict parole and he's told to behave himself or he'll go back to jail. He leaves the prison with one only thought: his desire for revenge. He's angry that Izza and Ariel have been happily married and he wants to ruin that. He finds out where Ariel and Izza are living and he's going towards their home.

Lucian has already reached outside their house and has seen Izza and Ariel happily leaving their home together. He's filled with rage and anger and he's determined to ruin their happiness by taking away one of them.

Lucian hides in a bush nearby their house and he watches Izza and Ariel leaving their house, happily and affectionately holding hands. He's filled with rage and anger, seeing the two of them happy. He doesn't make a move and he continues to watch them from afar, with a lot of anger and hatred boiling inside him. He's determined to take action and he's not going to let them be happy together.

Lucian whispers to himself, "It's time for some payback. I'm gonna ruin their perfect little life. Ariel is going to be sorry that he married my ex-wife. I'm going to make his life hell." He keeps watching as the two of them continue to walk away hand-in-hand, laughing and enjoying life together. A cold and hateful look comes across his face and he clenches his fists in anger.

Lucian keeps watching the two of them from the bush, making plans in his mind about how he is going to make Ariel's life miserable. He starts getting frustrated just watching them. He mutters under his breath, "They look like the perfect couple, a truly happy and loving pairing. But I'm going to make sure that their relationship is ruined just like mine was with Izza." He clenches his fists tight and he closes his eyes tightly.

Lucian stands up and he starts to walk away from the scene. He's not going to make a move then and there. He's determined to figure out a plan and a strategy to wreck Ariel's life. He's going to do everything in his power to destroy their relationship and make Ariel regret marrying Izza.

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