CHAPTER 15: Moon cycle

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'This year marks the 120th of the last Moonwalker.  after he defeated the demon lord sacrificing himself and setting the realms in peace ever since.
However a moonwalker had to appear, but the King declared that none of the royal family was a moonwalker. Realms were in chaos for years, hoping for their hundredly saviour to come and protect them against the upcoming darkness that is yet to be revealed. But nothing came. there was no trace or a single word that has been heard of saying a moonwalker has come to the world nor a dark wave has conquered the lands. Some believed as that, the great moon cycle has ended.'

Yvann brushed her fingers against the ink that told the tale of the past. the letters curved and intertwined on the scroll as she poured all her attention into it.  Pausing and grabbing another one amongst the scattered scrolls she shifted slightly in her seat.

'It has been over 200 hundred years now, since the underworld lord attacked and since there was a moonwalker among us. Over time those stories became tales to scare off children, and people started to forget about those mighty warriors who kept balance of everything we know. I hope if there's any good of this unexplainable phenomenon, it's gone for good.'

"This one is 95 years old," Yvanna commented raising the scroll as if searching for a date.
"And it's all about the moon cycle. Nothing here states about any late bloomer of the royal Bloodline."

Calder who seemed to be genuinely interested in the piece of paper he was reading hummed as a response making his sister's eyes gaze at him.

"What are you reading?" He didn't respond and just kept reading the paper, occasionally a proud smile taking his features.

"Calder." Yvanna snapped her fingers to get his attention.  "Ah yes?" Calder mumbled taking one glance at his sister, then to the paper again.

"What are you reading?" A confused frown appeared on her face, as she stood up and walked over to his seat.

"It's about moonwalker Alaric," Calder replied, looking at the paper. "Did you know he that he didn't kill the Air lord when he learned that he was behind the assassination of his mother?"

"You mean, when Galespire wanted to take down Monaler and rule the realms?" Yvanna asked, sitting next to him as she snatched the paper from him.

"Yes, the winter war."

"That was over 200 years ago," Yvanna mumbled her eyes travelling across the lines of one of the great kings of history and moonwalkers.

"He was one of the most powerful moonwalkers out there. Did you know the day of his awakening half of Monaler came crumbling down?" Calder asked, an eager smile on his face.

"Yes, I'm reading it right now."

"Oh, right," Calder replied, not at all paying attention to his sister's sarcastic response. He looked at the paper he was holding in his other hand, tracing his finger along one of the lines.
"And he's the one who first and last encountered the void walkers who were invading through the southern part of Lunalurse ?" Calder continued.
"That's right. The void walkers had finally breached the barrier. According to the historians, he was only 10 years old when he came face-to-face with the void walkers. He stopped them in their tracks, and saved the kingdom from doom."

"10 years old? And he defeated the void walkers?" Yvanna's eyes widened at the feat her brother was referring to. She knew Delvin's ancestors were powerful moonwalkers, even the most powerful of them all, but this was something else. A ten-year-old boy beating the void walkers?

Although little is known about the underworld creatures, the void walkers were venomous ones.  Whatever or whoever they touch they cease into existence within a second.  It must be an exaggeration yvanna thought. There's nothing like a touch of death.
"That's why the royal line was so important back then," Calder replied with a smirk.

"Siriuss are the only ones who can save the world from darkness."

"Let me see that paper," Yvanna demanded, snatching the scroll out of her brother's hands. She frowned as she read the next line. "What does it say here?"
Calder looked over his sister's shoulder as she continued reading. "The most powerful demon lord was vanquished by moonwalker Alaric. One day this power will return, and it will be up to the rightful moonwalker to vanquish the darkness once again."

"Ironically this one was written during his Era of awakening, and he was the last Moonwalker."  Calder chuckled to himself. "Little did they know."

"he defeated him though, and they never came back. " Yvanna added. Eyes on the paper.

"Imagine what the world would look like if the hundred war was still around? Underworld always attacking,  the moonwalker always defending." Calder stated looking around for scrolls that were scattered across the table.

"It's a blessing. Three hundred years of peace." Yvanna replied putting the scroll down.  

"However, I don't have any clue about any late bloomer, Calder. As much as they're useful, all these scrolls are useless." Yvanna exclaimed, raising her hands in the air.

"They're pretty much complete, except for the Alaric one." Calder shrugged, making Yvanna look at him with a confused frown.

"I meant as in, it only states his battles, achievements, and how he gave up the throne so he can go on with his duties as a protector of the realms," Calder explained, grabbing the scroll from earlier.  "His earlier life isn't written here"

"That's not important right now."

"I'm just saying."

"Aren't there any other ones?" Yvanna asked as she stood up.
"The ancient library holds a lot of history books." She added 

"Some of the parties I sent are still there in Sublucia, we'd see if we find anything when they arrive,"  Calder answered mirroring her action.

The silence was chased away as Eyin and a wet Maria slammed the door of the library open. Ko who stood there flinched away and immediately reached for his sword, but calmed down when he saw the familiar faces.

"Princess, are you alright?" Ko spoke up as an awful silence invaded the air despite the confusion that painted the features of everyone in the room except for Maria.

"Maria, what happened?" Yvanna asked as she walked down the stairs and to her daughter. Yvanna narrowed her eyes at her daughter’s face. She'd been crying or trying her best not to.

"Let us leave. Take me back to Monaler" maria mumbled her voice breaking at the end of her sentence as she shifted her eyes to the floor.  Yvanna reached out to her, resting her palm on Maria's wet head.

"What happened, sweetheart.?" Yvanna asked softly again, as she exchanged a confused and concerned look with Calder.

Eyin cleared his throat.
"I'm afraid it was her Highness's doing."

"What?" Both Calder and Yvanna said at the same time before their gazes fell into the slightly shaking Maria.

"Colderia done this?"

"I had seen her from a distance, Your Majesty."  Eyin nodded.

"She's so mean" maria sniffed back a cry as she looked at her mother with tear-filled eyes. "I hate her!"

"Hey, now. Look at me little one." Calder said, resting a hand at her shoulder making her look up to the blue of his eyes.

"She'd apologize to you, and I'd talk to her about what she did to you. I'm sorry on behalf of her, alright?" Calder forced a gentle smile.  Maria didn't answer, she merely nodded, looking down

"Let's get you changed before you end up catching a cold." He added, nodding at Yvanna.

Yvanna took her daughter’s hand, and Maria silently followed, swallowing back her tears.

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