Chapter 4: A lunari

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Maria swirled her and heard around. Although she knew it was the pheonix, she hoped it wasn't . When they both made eye contact, her breath hitched at how close it is and how close she is to dying at the moment.

"Hang on, we can be civil about this, i admire you," she gave him a nervous smile, stepping back a little. 
"You can understand the common tongue, am i right?"

The pheonix narrowed its eyes, like it was assessing the situation. considering if she was a threat or not,but then again,it didn't know her,and she came to its place. Stranger danger.
As she finished her sentence, the phoenix let out a screech that sent the princess back flying into the wall of the pillar.

The phoenix opened its beak and gave another shriek, this one much louder and longer than the previous one. The sound filled the chamber and sent chills down the princess's spine. It then flew toward her.

"Uh oh!" she screamed, quickly scrambling up the pillar, trying to get away from the firebird.
At that moment, she really regretted trying to play with fire.

But the phoenix was quicker than she expected, and its claws grabbed on to the princess's leg, pulling her from the pillar and slamming her into the ground. The bird then raised its wings, preparing to unleash a fiery blast upon the poor girl.

"Stop! You, flamy thing," she yelled at it, raising a hand at the bird the other holding onto the ground for dear life, not that it'd work anyway.
As if in a cue, a red light flashed in her eyes, and her hand started glowing, the aura engulfed her body.

Something in the pheonix immediately flickered. A blast of energy escaped her hand, and Maria, afraid to hurt the bird, pointed her hand at the higher side of the opposite pillar last second.
The impact caused the pillar to collapse, and rubble fell down on them both, but the bird was quick. It pulled the princess by her leg and threw her away.

Her body made contact with one of the pillars, and she let out a gasp of pain when air was knocked out of her lungs. Whatever was that red light, it vanished and went as quickly as it came.

"Could've been more gentle," she hissed under her breath, standing up , pain radiating throughout her body. Only to see the bird standing over her, but this time, it didn't look threatening at all. It looked submissive.

They both stood there in silence, eyes searching the other's one eyes.
Suddenly, the pheonix did something she'd never expected. It bowed down. Widening her eyes, she stepped back but got stopped by the wall.

"Uh, what are you doing?" She stared at it dumbfounded. "Is this how you kill your victims? Bow down, then burn them down?" But the bird didn't shift from its position, head down and wings on the ground. 

"Your highness."

Maria's eyes widened when she heard a voice inside her head. One that's not her usual weird one that always thinks of stupid random things.
Was she hallucinating or going crazy?

"What?" Was all she could mutter.

"You're a lunari royalty.  I apologise for my actions earlier."

Maria's eyes found the bird's, she stared at it for one good minute before exclaiming.

"It's you? You can talk? You can really talk? Are you in my head? Your mouth is not moving."

"I can not speak with my mouth. However, siriuss has the ability to connect with the elemental riders."

Maria's eyes widened even more. The bird was speaking with her, but inside her heard. She couldn't recall her father teaching her of anything like this. Perhaps he would've when she gains her powers? 

"Oh my stars, I'm going crazy, aren't i? I can talk to birds?" She grabbed a hold of her hair.
Her mind was fresh. She couldn't be going crazy this young, right?

"I'm a phoenix, your Highness."

Maria was speechless. She could not believe what she was hearing.  She had never talked to a phoenix before, nor had she heard of anyone else who could. The Phoenix continued to bow down as if it were waiting for her to respond. Her mind was spinning as she tried to make sense of this strange new ability. 

The princess was utterly confused by what was happening. The pheonix was talking to her, and she could not for the life of her understand how.

"How come you're speaking to me now, and not when you were about to cook me alive?"  She crossed her arms, not feeling afraid anymore, but rather annoyed.

"I couldn't feel your powers back then. You activated it at that moment."

Powers? She completely forgot about that. She got her powers, Maria could fly with excitement and happiness at the moment, but that quickly got interrupted by the bird.

"However, something strange is happening, Your Highness."

"What?" She asked, her eyes piqued with interest.

"I can't feel them anymore,Your powers. It almost looked like it was a one moment thing."

"What do you mean?" Maria's heart started beating anxiously. She gained her powers right now but lost them again?

She reluctantly tried to make an energy blast, outstretching her hands and hitting the air, but nothing happened. She tried to focus, but nothing happened. 

"What's the meaning of this?" Frustration and disappointment started creeping its way to her heart. She'd dreamed and waited for the day she could travel across the light or lighten her hands up as if she was holding a lamb like her father. A sun walker like all of the siriuss in the last generations.


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