CHAPTER 2: Azar the city of flames

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The king and his young princess are going for a visit to the fire realm through the royal portal, a one that connects all the other realms to the moon realm.

The Royal portal has two massive archways at the entrance, built with marble that is polished so that it is smooth like glass. The pair passes through them as they travel to the realm of fire.

A shining wall stood between the two gates that connects the two realms. They walked through it, and it opened up on the other side.

Front stood a man with white hair and a highlight of orange, light brown eyes like the bonfire. The king of the fire realm eze Uzulaik Ezori and King Delvin's best friend.  Behind the fire realm's king hid a young boy with white silver hair and red eyes, who looked roughly the same age as the princess. 

"Long time no see, eze," King Delvin said, walking forward as they both engulfed each other with a hug.

"Welcome, your grace," he bowed

"or shall i say Dolphin." 

eze replied with a smile.  He remembered when he named him that nickname when they were kids. Delvin scared him  out of nowhere and eze out of the sudden fear he couldn't pronounce Delvin's name and kept saying 'dolphin scared me' all day.

"You won't let that slide, would you.?"

"Nope. Won't do, " he shook his head with a smile.

Delvin chuckled to himself and looked around the place.

"How's the things going on?"

"Eh, all good as far as I'm concerned

Delvin nodded and peaked behind his best friend to see a young boy. it couldn't be Ashton, he thought.

"My goodness,  is that you, ashton?"

He didn't wait for his confirmation because he'd know it already.

"Oh my, you grew up to such a young handsome Prince," delvin  lifted the kid up, hugged him tight, and then put him down. It's been 5 years since he paid a visit to azar, the city of flames.
The last time he saw him, he was just a little baby who could barely walk without falling immediately.

Ashton was flustered at the sudden action of the king and looked down, playing with his fingers.

"T-thank you, uncle Delvin,"  he stuttered, then proceeded to hide behind his father's back out of embarrassment.

"He's a little shy," eze said, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, i could tell." delvin chuckled to himself, then went to his daughter.

"Hey, ashton, this is my daughter Maria.  Say hi maria"

Maria turned to ashton, looking at him up and down with a little frown.


Ashton blinked in confusion at the latter's action.

"Erm, hi,"  he said in a voice barely above whisper. Delvin patted maria on the back.

"Hey, honey, why don't you go and play with ashton a little bit?"

"Yeah, right, ashton, go show her around, son," eze suggested.

"Okay. " she nodded and walked past him, and he hesitantly followed.

Eze would ruffle her hair as she walked past him, giving him a little smile, then disappearing out of sight.

After a while of walking around and barely exchanging words, the two little royal kids went to a balcony that gave a good view of the palace.

He turned to her with a shy smile.

"What do you think of the fire realm?"

"You know all hot and lavy lavy," Maria shrugged.  The place was too hot for her liking, but also so beautiful, she didn't know azar was this stunning and this hot either.

"Lavy lavy?"

"I don't know,"

"It’s not all lava!"

He’d exclaim, pointing to the trees that grow alongside the lava pools.

"These trees can survive and even thrive in the lava. They’re called dragon bark trees! Only the ones grown in lava pools can survive it."

"Good for them."

"And there’s a lot more to the fire realm, too, like  phoenixes and other fire creatures!"

The girl turned to him, not really caring about his rants. Only a word caught her attention.

"Phoenix?. There's a phoenix here?.

On the other side of the palace, the two kings were in the throne room. Discussing a matter among themselves.

"She still didn't gain her powers?"

Delvin sighed, deep in thought.  Usually, a royal kid would show their elemental or their magical powers at the age of 5, even if it was a simple thing, but his daughter is 7 springs old and still didn't show a thing.

"I don't know, eze. I'm a little concerned."

Eze looked at his friend. He knew that look.
He was worried his daughter wouldn't have any magical powers.  He put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it a little.

"Hey, some kids take a while to learn how to walk, right? She's just a little late. Don't worry too much, "  he paused, glancing down for a moment.

"Besides, she's a sirius, no way she'd be powerless," he said in a reassuring tone.

"Maybe, only time will tell." 

it never happened for a sirius to not have powers. Hers will come around eventually, right?


What do you think will happen to her?

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