CHAPTER 6 : Believe me

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"So let me get this right," delvin pointed a hand at helios. "Helios attacked you, and you tried to escape him, but he grabbed you, then you awakened your powers?" Confusion and shock were evident in his face.

"Precisely." Maria nodded.

Delvin looked at his friend, eze by the look knew delvin couldn't feel her powers. So why is she saying she awakened them?
"Are you sure that's what happened, maria?" Eze asked.

Maria looked up at both kings with a frown.
"Are you not believing me?" They both glanced at each other with uneasy looks.
"I'm not saying tha-" delvin reasoned.

"Ask him, he saw it, he recognised me father." she interjected, annoyance creeping into her tone. She awakened her powers, that she was sure of. Then why can't he feel them?
"He knew I'm a lunari," she added

Eze casted a glance towards helios, running a hand through his hair."Princess, he can't talk."
"He can!" She snapped at them. Maria walked towards helios. But eze stopped her.
"He won't hurt me," she gave him a side glance, then turned to him.
"Speak. Say something!" She hissed at him, but his voice didn't fall into her mind as if the connection was broken. Both delvin and eze looked at her sympathetically. 
She then paused for a moment, lowering her head. "In my head. He talked to me in my head," she muttered softly.

"Telepathically?" Delvin wondered.
"I've never heard of that," eze added.
Delvin furrowed his brows deep in thought. He has heard about an ability to talk to the elemental riders, but he forgot where he read that information.

"What colour was it, the magic?" Delvin asked.
She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember. She was in the heat of the moment, so she couldn't remember clearly. "Red?" She muttered.

"Red?" Delvin replied, tilting his head with a confused frown.

"Yes, Red," Maria nodded. Delvin let out a sigh. This all was hard to believe. It sounded impossible, but he was more than happy to believe his daughter awakened her powers. He was looking forward to her being a sunwalker like him.

"Let's go back. we'll talk later." he mumbled and offered Maria a hand. She reluctantly took it, her frustration turning into sadness.

Eze went to helios and patted his leather.
"Go back inside, friend," helios lowered his head in understanding and took off.

The 3 took off, their legs taking them outside the flamy castle. Maria looked up at the sky. the sun, dipped into the horizon, leaving traces of flames on the sky of azar.

When they reached the gates of the palace, ashton was there racing around in worry. Just when his eyes met the 3, he ran towards them.
He looked up at Maria up and down.

"You're in one piece and not....dead," the words came out laced with surprise. Raising an eyebrow, he looked up at his father.

"What happened?" Ashton asked. Before eze could open his mouth to speak, maria let go of her father's hand and stormed inside.

Delvin let out a sigh. "Go with her, please,"
Ashton nodded and walked after her.
When maria walked past the gates, the guards she tricked earlier saw her. "It's you?!" One of them approached her. "How did you walk past the gate?" An irritated look was on his face, His words coming out harsh.

Maria turned to the guard with a death glare. He furrowed his eyebrows with a frown.
"I'm speaking to you, girl." He took a step closer to her. Just then, ashton approached them. "Step back. She's your princess, " ashton stood between them.

"My prince?" The guard took a couple of steps back, lowering his head. "What do you mean?"

"She's a lunari princess," ashton stated. The guard's eyes widened in shock. The ruling dynasty's princess.

"I apologise. I hadn't known," the guard bowed down to her. Maria rolled her eyes and walked away further into the palace.

"Wait for me!" Ashton called running after her.

"What happened there?" He asked, his eyes glistening with curiosity. Maria kept looking up ahead. She didn't know where she was going. This palace wasn't hers after all.


"Let's go," eze said.  And delvin walked next to him. He cast a glance over his shoulder, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw the guards gathered together, shaking their heads and chatting amongst themselves.
Delvin turned around and quickly walked away, his legs carrying him as if he was running, and his throat was tight with anxiety. He knew it was wrong to doubt her, but he couldn't help but feel there was something more to the story.

"Delvin," eze muttered.

"Something else is going on, and I'm going to find out what it is," delvin replied firmly.

"Let's cool down for a moment." Eze rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Maria didn't get a chance to answer him. The corridors of the azarian palace stretched on for miles before she finally saw the entrance to a garden. As she pushed through the wooden doors and stepped out into the moonlight, the air felt fresh and soothing. She let out a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the lush greenery that surrounded her. Ashton followed right behind her, a look of confusion on his face.

"Helios talked to me," she whispered out of the blue. Sitting down on the grass.

"What?" Ashton sat in front of her.

Maria explained to him what had happened between her and the pheonix, and it was an understandment to say ashton had a hard time believing her, but nonetheless, he did.

"Can you summon it again? Like a small ball of energy or something?" Ashton wondered.

"That's the problem, i can't." Maria let out a tired sigh. "It feels like it's vanished, like i never had it at all,"

"That's really odd," ashton muttered with a frown looking down at his hands. He never heard of someone getting their powers only for them to vanish in a matter of seconds. He remembers the day he awakened his fire ability. It wasn't that hard for him. He was 5 playing in the garden when a bug started flying near him causing him nuisance, so he merely waved his hand around, trying to make it fly away, when a wave of fire escaped his palm, setting the garden on fire.

Maria didn't respond. She rested her head on her knees, hugging herself close. She was so disappointed in herself that she wanted to cry.

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