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"I really appreciate you."

Those four words rang repeatedly in Mark's head as he stared at his ceiling on his bed. 

Cleo jumped up elegantly on to the bed and lay beside Mark, curling his tail over his nose as he sat down.

"Hey Cleo." Mark greeted, to which the cat ignored.

"I think, I think I might like your mom. Crazy right. I've known her for how long- 4 months..? Geez dude get yourself together. But I think Haechan has a point, I can't stop smiling when I think of her." Mark interlocked his fingers with strands of his black hair, pulling on it in stress. "But then again, she basically said Jeno was her ideal type..."

Cleo just served as silent accompaniment, cleaning his fur while Mark ranted about Nora. 

"I need to go out for a swing." He finally decided.


"Holy fuck this was not part of the plan guys!" Mark yelled as he swung through buildings, the speed of each shot of web increasing as the monster behind caught up to him. 

Glitch ran on buildings, ran in them and chased Mark through the night lights, his special condition allowing him to teleport, gaining in dangerously close to Mark. 

He gave a yelp of horror as he realised Glitch was no more than a hundred metres away from him and he pressed frantically on his web shooters. 

"Web fluid...5% remaining..." 

Mark groaned at the robotic warning, "Oh my god, please call Tony!" 

"Hey, anything urgent?" Mark never felt so happy to hear his mentor's voice.

"I'm so sorry Tony- AGH MY GOD- sorry! Glitch is chasing me and I can't fight him, my web doesn't work on him-"

"Web Fluid...3% remaining..."

"AND THAT'S JUST GOTTA HAPPEN LIKE RIGHT NOW!" Mark yelled into the system. 

"Kid, calm down and ask your system what other technology Hyuck has installed into it."

"Hey Siri!" Mark yelled desperately, "What other things does my suit do?"

"Invisibility, electricity, fire balls, a shield, wings."

"JARVIS sounds superior compared to Siri." Tony muttered from the other side of the line, 

"Uh Siri, activate flying mode!" and to his relief, he was in the air zooming between buildings without the use of his webs. 

"Spiderman, prepare to face your death!" Glitch bellowed, and Mark's hairs stood on their ends in fright.

He decided to bet on it.

Swerving around in the sky, he came face to face with the monster. 

"Eat this, pixel face!" he yelled, shooting a fire ball from his web shooter, feeling amazed and stupid how he didn't know this before.

"That was the worst insult I have ever heard. Be more creative."


"You lost all your creativity the moment you named me Siri."

Mark ignored the system, not wanting to be distracted.

The fire ball got the monster on its arm, causing it to bellow in anger and pain, swinging a fist at Mark while he hovered nervously in the air. 

He shot a few continous balls of fire towards the monster and he heard a sizzling noise as the light made contact with the monster's skin.

Seeing as the monster was more of a liquid and made of pixels, Mark looked around for a container.

A large trashcan. 

Empty too, convenient. 

He propped the bin open with a shot of web, still firing away at the monster, leading it towards the bin. 

He made brief contact with the pixel made monster and he felt his skin burn. Despite the pain he led the monster on, successfully luring the monster into the metal can and slamming the lid over it, sealing it up with his remaining webs. 

He knew it wouldn't last long so he removed his suit and ran home, hiding under the comfort of his blankets and he drifted off into an uneasy sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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