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The two boys walked out of the building, Mark fixing his bag so no one would see the suit stuffed roughly inside.

Haechan smiled, "You always do well, especially when you sing Bruno. But if you did Michael Jackson that would be so cool."

He then did an imitation of MJ, trying to copy his iconic dance on those shoe tips and failing miserably, letting out a yowl.

Laughing, Mark elbowed him gently in the ribs. "Oh, shut up before I web you to that wall over there."

Haechan pushed Mark back and he bumped into someone strolling down the street. The person let out a little shriek and Mark sensed that she was about to fall and quickly grabbed her arm, regaining its owner's balance. The pair quickly apologised and gave an apologetic bow.

They lifted their heads up and Nora was standing in front of them, the familiar annoyed expression across her face. She had her phone next to her ear and she spoke into it. "Yea, I'm fine," she mumbled, "just SOMEONE bumped into me."

She gave the pair another disapproving look and walked away quickly, fixing her jacket as Mark stared after her.

"Hurry up Mork, I'm going to be late." Haechan turned and saw his friend with his eyes locked on something in the distance. He followed his sight and it led to Nora Myers walking off. 

"No way, you like her?" he exclaimed, pointing to and fro between his friend and the girl. "You, MARK LEE, like her?"

Mark quickly shook his head, realising what Haechan meant, slapping him on the back as a sign for him to shut it. "No, no, NO. I don't like her, it's just that I think she was the one who saved me the other day."

"You mean the girl who saved you that day when you were being chased by someone?" asked Haechan with his eyebrows raised, turning around to get another look at Nora who was walking around the corner.

"Not just someone, dude, it was Glitch, his powers affect me differently, it's like he has an anecdote to my spiderman powers. Also, I nearly died, and she saved me."

"I understand because it was the Glitch, but I don't understand; I've saved you like 1000 times, but you don't stare at me like that." Haechan said, crossing his arms across his chest along with a disapproving look at Mark.

"Like what?" Mark questioned, "what do you mean stare at you like that?"

"Like this," Haechan made a sloppy look, staring into the distance.

"No, I didn't make that face!" Mark protested, "You're trying to make fun of me, aren't you?"

Speeding up his pace, Haechan waved his hand dismissively, "Yes, but never mind that, hurry up before I'm late for my job."

"Hey, you were the one who begged me to take you to the interview, it's your fault that you're running late!"

"Still," Haechan said with a fake pout, "how are you going to make it up to me?"

"Well, I guess I have to, now." Mark chuckled, stepping widely over a puddle in the sidewalk as he followed Haechan along the street. "How about a drink after your shift?"

Haechan's eyes lit up, "You mean the pub?"

"Obviously no, we have a lecture at nine." Mark deadpanned, but he didn't look surprised. "Now hurry up before you're actually late."

They arrived at the mall where Haechan works, and they split ways, Mark slapping Haechan on the butt gently as a goodbye.

While he waited for Haechan, Mark strolled around the mall with his earphones on, his head bobbing lightly to the beats as his eyes scanned across each store, widening if he found any of the products intriguing.

He then furrowed his brows and tilted his head in surpirse, his lips puckered up into an impressed o-shape.

He quickened his pace and entered one of the stores, picking up the little figurine in his fingers.

"Yo, dude, this is realistic!" he whispered to himself, twirling the figurine around his fingers. "It looks just like me!!"

He checked the price and his eyes widened even more. "I'm buying it."

Smiling with satisfaction, he exited the store with the figurine in a little brown paper bag, swinging on his wrist.

Mark then sauntered a bit more in the mall, spent some loose change in the arcade and bought a cookies and cream shake.

By the time he got the shake, Haechan's shift was over.

Mark walked back to Haechan's store, his head still bobbing to his music, taking sips out of his shake as he did so, causing a drop of it to land on his shirt.

Haechan saw that. He was also filming Mark.

"Blackmail." Haechan mouthed with a mischievous wink.

Then he ran.

Mark rolled his eyes and sent Haechan a text. Actually two texts.

Mark: the only reason why i aint chasing u rn is to save u from embarrassment.

Mark: now get back here and delete the video

One more for for good measure.

Mark: I will actually web you onto the tallest tower in the world.

That did it. Heights.

Mark could see Haechan sigh in the distance and he slowly walked back, an annoyed expression on his face due to his failed prank.

"The phone." Mark said, reaching out with the unoccupied-by-cookies-and-cream-milkshake-hand.

Haechan reluctantly handed it over and Mark smiled, unlocking his phone and deleting the video.

"Now," Mark said, smiling sweetly as he returned Haechan's phone, "The drink I promised you."

Haechan rolled his eyes sarcastically, "I'd rather have that video," he muttered.

"Oh good, saves my wallet from your stomach." Mark laughed, and Haechan chased him all the way out of the mall.

seventh sense🕷️🕸|| mark leeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ