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Back in Nora's apartment, the girl heaved a sigh as she sat at her table removing her makeup, honestly she only does it to be formal and not appear messy.

Her phone pinged beside her and the screen lit up. She glanced at her phone, her groan even louder as she realised it was her mother.

Mom: I'm coming over in a few days, clean out a room for me.

Mom: You better be getting those A+, I have given you the best resources a student can ask for, there's no reason why you cannot acheive that level of studying.

"Moms usually ask their children how they're going in life, or if they need money, not asking for grades." she muttered, a tired expression suddenly making her seem years older.

Nora: Why are you coming over.

She pressed the send button, ignoring the second text and slamming her phone back onto her desk, startling her cat.

"Oh shit, sorry Cleo."

She bent down and scooped the grey tabby in her arms, stroking its fur soothingly as she whispered another apology.

"Do you want food C?"


"Taking that as a yes."

Letting Cleo go, she followed him into the living room, and she entered the kitchen to grab its cat food. "I can't fucking remember where I put your Nom noms, Cleo, that's not good."

"Oh, he finished them last night."

Shaking her head at her own stupidness, she changed into a non-pj-looking casual shirt and grabbed her mask, keys and phone. "Cleo, I'm gonna go buy your food so like be good at home ok?"


"Good boy," Nora gently ruffled the cats head, receiving a satisfied purr from the tabby. "Be good, I'll be quick."

Taking one last look at the cat who now sat in the middle of the room calmly licking its paw, she ran out the door and shut it behind her.

Walking around her neighbourhood in the evening was an activity Nora quite enjoyed. The night breeze and occasional tweet from a bird hidden by tree branches accompanied by the shining moon had the power to calm her down and put her into a good mood.

She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her shorts, her hand circling around her phone case as a motion of comfort. As she entered the local grocery shop, the doors opened with a merry tinkle. Nora made her way over to the pet food section, her eyes scanning the shelves for Cleo's 'Nom noms' .

"There we go." she muttered as she picked the bag from the shelf.

A pack of cat treats stocked beside the Nom noms caught her eye. Reading the nutrition and safety labels, she felt it was trustworthy enough to purchase for Cleo.

Tottering up to the front desk, she paid by digital card and quickly made her way back home, not wanting to leave Cleo alone for too long, or stay outside alone too.

Unlocking the door to her apartment, she stopped at the door, bending down to place the food on the floor and catching her breath for a second.

"Cleo, I bought your food! You must be hungry."

Cleo was no where to be seen.

Nora panicked, but took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Alright, Cleo is smart, he wouldn't run off. But oh fuck he's not home right now. WAIT WHAT IF SOMEONE BROKE IN?"

She paced around her room thinking of places Cleo might've run off to when her phone began to ring, the Spider-Man theme song resonating through her pocket.

It was an unknown number so she didn't hesitate to decline the call.

The user called her again once more, and she found it weird as scammers usually just give up.

She pressed accept call and stayed silent, putting whoever was on the other side on speaker and recording the conversation just in case.

"Hello, my name is Mark Lee."

Her heart sank. The kind but weird guy from school. The stuttering but loud nerd. The friendly but somewhat hostile type of boy.

"Uhm hello."

"Oh uh- I've called because your cat has run downstairs to the eighth floor and I was wondering if you could come collect her."

"Him," Nora corrected, "Thanks for calling me, I'll be down soon."

She made sure her door was locked this time and headed down the stairs, seeing Mark Lee waiting at the bottom of the flight of stairs with Cleo in his arms.

"Oh- hi, I never knew you lived right above me. Uh- here's your cat, remember to lock your door."

He chuckled dryly and handed over the tabby to which Nora took over gratefully.

"Hey, um sorry for being rather mean a few days back, I wasn't in the best mood." Nora said, referring to when the duo accidentally bumped into her on the streets.

Mark smiled, "It's ok, everyone has bad days."

Nora gave Mark a small smile, biding her goodbye and walked up the steps with Cleo lying lazily in her arms.

"Stop running off Cleo, just because the doors open doesn't mean you can, it's very dangerous."

Cleo gave his owner a mew as if he understood.

Mark gave himself a small smile as he overheard the two converse.

They have a cute relationship, he thought to himself.

Why don't I get a cat?

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