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Nora made sure her mother was out of sight and quickly filled a container with pasta, decorating it with her special sauce and some cheese. She looked around the room and grabbed a post-it note with a few of Cleo's discarded toys lying on the floor.

She snuck out the door and ran down the stairs with the container held firmly in her hands. Two rapid knocks soon summoned Mark to the door, his eyes wide with welcoming.

"Wow that smells amazing! I-"

Mark's sentence was cut off as Nora handed him the container and Cleo's toys, running up the stairs as she yelled behind her, "Eat it while it's hot!"

Mark stood there looking confused with the hot food and toys in his arms.

He shrugged and smiled down at the pasta, turning around back into his apartment, only to lock eyes with Haechan, a smirk plastered on his face as he leaned lazily on the arm of Mark's couch with Cleo sitting smugly in his lap.

"Pasta eh? She cooks for you too?"

"Shut up or I'll cook you."

"Lil' simp." Haechan turned his back on Mark, facing the television, changing channels but turning it off unsatisfied. "You're so boring, you only have the news channels."

Mark ignored the comment. "I had a dream that I died in another universe."

Haechan nodded, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, waiting for Mark to explain more.

Mark opened the container and took a bite before continuing, "Damn she got some crazy cooking skills. Anyways I was like in this perspective mode thingy I saw a shadow and I saw myself die."

Haechan frowned, "What in the world of your crush's pasta are you talking about."

"Shut up she's a friend." Mark took a picture of the pasta before continuing, "So like I saw me die, but I was in this black suit, I looked so badass."

"Are you getting her anything for Christmas?" Haechan asked as he stroked Cleo's head, receiving satisfied purrs from the tabby.

"Mmm I don't know yet. HEY stop distracting me!" Marks face flushed into an ugly shade of red as the realization hit him.

"Mark, stop lying to yourself. You like her."

"Yea and she likes Spider-Man not me, don't you remember when we bumped into her she was so mad."

"Didn't you two go on a mini date?"

"That's different. And that was- hey stop trying to gaslight me into liking her."

Mark finished the pasta in quick gulps and wiped the table in front of him, washing the dishes as he tried to hide his red cheeks.

"I'm gonna take this up to her. Take care of Cleo."

Mark ran up the stairs two steps at a time and knocked on Nora's door waiting patiently holding the container tightly in his shaky hands.

"Stop shaking." He hissed under his breath, "why are you shaking!?"

Nora soon opened the door with a cautious look behind her as she shut it.

"Hey, thanks for the pasta, amazing cooking you got there."

Nora smiled sheepishly, "Learnt how to make that off an old cookbook from my grandmothers place when I was little, it's easy and my favorite recipe."

"If it's easy then someone as dumb as me could master that too huh." Mark said, "but then I kinda need help frying an egg so never-mind about that until I improve haha."

Nora let out a laugh at marks remark of himself and took over the container from his grasp.

"Glad you liked it. How's Cleo?"

"He's fine, my friend's with him right now, I think Cleo doesn't like him as much as he likes me." Mark said proudly.

"Hate to break it to you but Cleo likes everyone haha." Nora said with a cheeky grin. "Got to go now, see you around at school."

"Yea, see you."

Nora peeked out from behind her door one last time before closing it shut.

Mark smiled to himself, staring at the place where Nora was a few seconds ago, then he collected himself and went back to his apartment.

seventh sense🕷️🕸|| mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now