Philas: well, now that you've explained how this new firearm works, and by how you have shown your aid to the axis to defeat Valardia, lets hear what everyone has to say.

King Proetos: here, king Proetos from the Kingdom of Aberbargia, how much do you think the production of these firearms will cost to the axis?

Nano: 30 to 50 gold vinosos each, but the price could change if we consider the manufacturer, materials used, and craftsmanship, which is why i propose an idea to to be able to produce them at the same cost with the same materials.

The court gets interested in the idea and the judge asks nano:

Philas: and this is?

Nano: factories.

Queen Sahir al-khan: what are factories?

Nano presents a proposal to the court, suggesting the establishment of factories that operate similarly to workshops but focus on the mass production of specific goods. He emphasizes that this approach would help lower the production costs of muskets without affecting the final price for consumers. Intrigued by Nano's idea, the court decided to convene a vote to further discuss and consider its feasibility.

As Nano is escorted out of the court to allow for deliberation, the members contemplate the potential benefits and drawbacks of his proposal. Some express concern about the impact on traditional craftsmen and the quality of goods produced in mass quantities. Others see the potential for increased efficiency and affordability, which could benefit both consumers and the economy as a whole.

After a thorough discussion, the court voted on Nano's idea, weighing its potential risks and benefits. The outcome of the vote will determine whether Nano's proposal moves forward for implementation or requires further refinement.

Court room pavilion.

Elise: so your idea is to make a standard musket to produce it in great quantities.

Nano: yes, and by removing unnecessary things like carved ornaments, we can decrease the amount of weight and lower the price.

Durin: sounds like the same thing made by Valardia, but their muskets are still decorated and look expensive.

Nano: quantity over quality, a great amount of firearms with the same quality of craftsmanship.

Thanh: speaking of which, it was true all that about your creator.

Nano: in part.

Mogens: in part?

Axis guard: Golem Nano, your presence has been requested in the court room.

Nano goes with the guard to the courtroom, leaving confused the group about his origin.

Philas: After thorough deliberation on your proposal for firearm standardization and mass production, we have reached a decision. However, before finalizing our verdict, you must undergo a trial period lasting a minimum of 200 days. During this time, you will be stationed at the Royal Research Building, tasked with addressing a common issue plaguing our city. If you can present a compelling solution by the end of this period, we will reveal our decision. This session is now adjourned.

With the judge's verdict delivered Nano nods in understanding, accepting the terms of the trial set before him. He prepares himself mentally for the challenge ahead, knowing that the next 200 days will be crucial in proving the validity of his proposal. As Nano leaves the courtroom, he reflects on the task at hand. He understands the gravity of the opportunity presented to him and is determined to make the most of it. With his mind focused and his skills honed, Nano sets out to tackle the city's common problem with innovation and ingenuity.

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