Pt2 Prologue

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We shall always remember that day

In the center of the beautiful forest of Nibel, the spirit tree stood tall above the forest floor. Protecting it. Bringing balance.

When my daughter came into this world.

As the sun shined, a beautiful silver and white leaf was revealed. With a soft wave of the breeze, the leaf broke off of the branch it was connected to and gently floated down to the roots of the spirit tree. Once it landed on the soft grass, a light engulfed the leaf before it vanished, revealing a beautiful baby girl with silver tuff of hair and was swattled in a white fabric. She slowly opened her eyes, revealing their beautiful silver irises they held.

When Naru embraced my light

Nearby, Naru walked by, only to stop when she heard a baby cooing. Slowly, she followed the sound and found the baby that was born from the spirit tree. She carefully picked up the child and held her in her arms. Despite her immense size, the newborn felt safe and secure in Naru's arms. She gave a little, toothless smile at the gentle giant holding her as Naru made a huge decision.

As a child of her own.

She smiled before she carried her newfound daughter back to her cave in Shallows nest, already imaging what her life was going to be like as a new mother.

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