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As Gwyn slept, Nimona trasformed into a pink gorilla and watched the cereal commercial that played. Ballister watched her as she finally took notice.

"You've been staring. Did someone want pizza?" She asked, holding the pizza crust out to him.

He sighs.

"Can you just be normal for a second?" He asked her, causing her to make a face.


"I just think it'll be easier if you were a girl" he told her.

"Easier to be a girl? Your hilarious" she told him before relaxing in her seat.

"I mean, easier if you looked human" he cleared up.

"Easier for who?" She asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"For you. A lot of people aren't as accepting as us" he told her, looking at Gwyn.

Silance fell over them as a question popped into Ballister's mind.

"How did you get like this?"

"What? You mean awesome?" She asked.

"No, how do you- I'm just trying to understand what I'm working with here" he told her.

"I'm Nimona" she told him, daring him to continue.

He blinked.

"That explains literally nothing" he told her.

Nimona signed before transforming back to her girl form.

"No, your right. You deserve a better explanation then that" she told him before looking out the window.

I was only a little girl. Cute, little, innocent me. I was playing in the woods, following the birds flying and the fish swimming and the deer bounding. They all looked so happy together, but I.....I was alone. That's when I heard it.....a song, calling me, leading me to a wising well.

A WISHING WELL? How did you know that it wasn't just a regular well?

Do you wanna tell my story? 😑

Right. Sorry. Go on.

As I slowly approached the well, a coin appeared in the palm of my hand as if by magic and I knew what I had to do. I summoned my courage, held the coin tight, and threw it into the well and made a wish. A wish to one day...be trapped on a subway with a cool aunt and an uptight knight asking small questions.

She smirks as Ballister looks at her tiredly as the train starts to slow.

"Do you still have that pizza?" He asked her.

She happily hands him the crust. With the crust in hand, he immediately flicked it at her head. She laughed.

Now arriving at market station.

Gwyn slowly opened her eyes as she woke up as Nimona scoots closer to the window.

"We're here" she told the adults before a fond smile crossed her face.

"Oh! And so are your friends" she added.

"What?" Gwyn asked, still half asleep.

She then looked out the window, seeing Ambroseus and the other knights. Each knight aiming crossbows at them. Her eyes immediately widened as her heart temporarily stopped beating.


Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now