What now?

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Once they got back to the lair, Nimona slammed the door open and stomps in with Gwyn and Ballister right behind her.

"Are you okay?" Ballister asked, worry laced into his tone.

"I don't wanna talk about it" the punk replied in a harsh tone.

"Mona, we know something's wrong. But keeping it pent up is dangerous" Gwyn told her.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it!" She repeated, glaring at them over her shoulder.

"Hey, we're just trying to help" Ballister told her as she kept walking.


She flips the table, all of the things that was on it crashed to the floor along with it. She huffed and heaved heavily. The need to break more stuff and cause mass destruction itched inside of her. But she couldn't give in.

"Did you see how they looked at me? Little kids. They grow up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different..." she then turns to them. "And I'm the monster?"

Both adult's heart breaks as she turns around again and hugs herself.

"I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to drive a sword through my heart...or that sometimes....I just wanna let 'em"

Gwyn immediately scrambled over to the pinkette and hugged her. Nimora slowly hugged her back as quiet sobs echoed through the stone and wood structure.

"What now?" Gwyn questioned, looking at Ballister for an answer.

He stood tall, a mixture of panic and determination ran through his veins.

"We gotta get you out of here."

He starts looking around the lair for things to bring with them once they leave.

"We'll go over the wall. We won't stop until we find someplace safe" he added as Gwyn placed a soothing kiss on the top of Nimona's head before she started helping.

"We can go to Nibel. We'll be protected greatly there" she told Ballister before going on.

"Listen, Mona. You were right about everything. The institute, the wall....Ambroseus" her voice grew quite at the thought of her boyfriend.

Would things ever be the same between them? Her heart ached as she felt the golden pendent's absence weighing down on her neck .

"No matter what we do, we can't change the way people see us" she concluded as she grabbed a bag of supplies and tied it.

"But you two changed the way you see me" Nimona finally spoke up after finding the right words.

Both adults perk up at what she meant.

"Didn't you?"

Ballister turns his head, showing his smile to the shapeshifter, getting her excited.

"We can't let the director get away with this. We shouldn't have to run." She steps closer as she continues. "And you made a deal, right? We clear your names,
You make me your sidekick and become my cool aunt. You can't back out of a deal because truth and honor and blah, blah, blah. All that stupid stuff."

Ballister chuckled at this as he rubbed his chin.

"Truth and honor aren't stupid. But all right" he told her.

"So, you got a plan?" Nimona asked, tilting her head to the side and holding her hands behind her back.

Gwyn smirks as she picks up a piece of paper.

"Of course we got a plan" she told the punk before looking at the knight, a sparkle of evilness in their eyes.

"Something, something, something..." Ballister added before Gwyn handed the pinkette the paper.

Nimona looks at the paper before her evil smile returned and she walked over to the "murder wall."

"We win" she finished before stabbing a picture of the director where it says "nemesis" on it.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now