A deal with the shapeshifter

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Hours passed before Ballister finally woke up. His vision slowly became less fuzzy as he saw the night sky above due to a hole above him. He moves his head and sees a few candles and a mug with a warm drink inside. Assuming that it was just another day, he closed his eyes with a smile, about to go back asleep. That is, until he heard metal clatter together, making his eyes shoot open. Slowly and cautiously, he sat up and looked over the back of the sofa to see Nimona listening to music as she cooked something. She quietly sang along before Gwyn walked over to her and handed her a cup of hot chocolate. She chugged it down quickly, despite it being boiling hot and Gwyn's warnings. She then throws whatever she's making over her head, quickly catching it with ease as she turned around. That's when both girls saw Ballister looking at them.

"Ah, hey boss!" Nimona greeted before pouring what she was making into taco shells.

"How long was I out for?" Ballister asked as Gwyn sat next to him.

Nimona rested her arm on the back of the sofa, looking down.

"15 years" she told him as lightning flashed, causing her eyes to turn completely white.

"15 YEARS?!?" he asked, freaking out.

Both girls looked at each other and laughed.

"Don't be so gullible. It was only a few hours. Breakfast tacos?" Nimona told him, holding out a plate of tacos to him.

He takes it before he rubs his head.

"Wait. Wait. The last thing I remember, we were in a supply closet. And now...how did we get here?" He asked as Gwyn bit her lip.

Nimona crossed her arms in thought.

"We dragged you for about seven miles."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Your head bounced on the sidewalk a couple of times" Gwyn told him as he stared at his hands in confusion.

"It's all so foggy" he told them.

Nimona smirks before hopping onto the sofa.

"Really? You and Gwyn thanked me, said you'd forever be in my debt, and that we'd be best friends" she shows a picture of her pulling the corner of his mouth to make a smile, her smiling as Gwyn stood in the background, givng two thumbs up.

Ballister looks at the girls, completely unconvinced. The pinkette punk flicks the picture away so he doesn't question it.

"Totally happened" she told him before she hopped off the sofa.

"Anyway, while you were out, we spruced up the hideout. To make it a little more....homey in here" Gwyn told him as Nimona nodded.

"Yep! I arranged the weapons in order of deadliness, unchild-proofed the place, opened the poisons laying around, and pulled out some rusty nails one centimeter out of the floorboards. Overall, we made it more evil lair-y in here" Nimona told him as she picked up a mace and put it on her shoulder.

Gwyn playfully glared at her as she realized something.

"Evil Larry! That's a great villain name. You should change your name!"

"Huh, if you're thinking about villain names, I would go with something simple. Like changing "Boldheart" into "Coldheart" Gwyn told her.

"Good point. You should go with that boss."

"Never gonna happen" Ballister resorts with a tired look on his face.

This makes both girls frown, a little upset that he ruined their fun.

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