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After the explosion, Gwyn looked around and saw small glowing pink sparkles falling down. Ambroseus, regaining consciousness, he looked at the young woman above him. His eyesight was blurry but he thought he saw a pair of wings coming out of Gwyn's back. But she quickly stood up and started calling out Nimona's before he could actually see if they were real or just a hallucination. Gwyn ran around, looking for any sign of the young punk. But the only sigh she found was the sparkles that was disappearing one by one. She felt her lip quiver as she held her hands underneath a sparkle.

"Don't go out. Don't go out. Don't go out. Don't go out. Don't go out. Don't go out" she quietly pleaded before it went out.

Her breath studdered as she closed her hands. She was gone, she was gone repeatedly said inside of her mind as tears formed up in her stunning silver eyes couldn't hold. She couldn't believe that one of her only friends, more like family, had sacrificed herself for the sake of this kingdom. A kingdom who had always seen her as a "monster." She was tired, so tired and upset that she was gone. Gwyn collapsed onto her knees, quietly sobbing into her palms. She was disappointed, angry, tired, but could only think about Nimona.

Ambroseus, as sweet as he was, ignored the pain from his shoulder and got up to check on Gwyn. He slowly walked up to her and sat down looking at her. Gwyn felt the presence of someone behind her and looked to see her boyfriend.

"Ambroseus..." she started before she started crying into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Gwyn" he muttered out, gently wrapping his arms around her, comforting her as she cried.

Ballister walked over to them and placed his hand on Gwyn's back, trying to help comfort her as well. Ambroseus looked up, seeing more knights walking towards the wall, only to see that it wasn't there anymore.

"Gwyn, look" he said, patting her back.

She looked up, only to see that a good portion of the wall was destroyed. Outside rested trees, rivers, mountains, and beautiful moonlight that had been hidden behind the walls the entire time. She smiled.

"The wall..." Gwyn started, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them with tears in her eyes. "I told you that the wall would come down."

And for a long time, the trio of friends sat there, admiring all the beauty that laid before them.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum