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On the same stormy day, in a abandoned building in the middle of the forest, lights flicker as Ballister uses a welder. Gwyn sat on the wrecked sofa, holding the sword she made about a year ago in her hands. She called it: Midnight rose.

She sighed as the memories of Ambroseus teaching her how to sword fight flooded her mind

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She sighed as the memories of Ambroseus teaching her how to sword fight flooded her mind. To keep herself from breaking down, she put it back in it's sheath on her back. Gwyn then stood up and walked passed the small mirror. Since she was now a wanted woman, she had to change to something more practical. She now wore a short white fading into a dark gray dress that the back part of the skirt went to about to her calf with a silver corset and grey and silver knee-high boots. On her hands were fingerless grey and silver armored gloves that had blue gem-like orbs in it. She still wore her necklace around her neck and her hair fell over her shoulders freely. She shook her head before she saw Ballister put on his robotic arm. She walked over to him.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked, trying hard not to think about what happened.

He sook his head in response before he looked at her side.

"How's your side?" He asked.

She immediately put her hand on her side where she got cut. It was healed now but it was now extremely sensitive to touch.

"It's fine."

Suddenly, they heard something pounding on the door. Both tensed up as Ballister grabbed a half broken bottle and Gwyn drew out her sword. They stalk towards the door. Whatevers out there hits the door again, causing the entire place to shake. A pot was about to fall but Ballister effortlessly catches it.

"Nice catch" Gwyn whispered as he put it back.

They soon reach the door and once the knight's hand was on the doorknob, he quickly opened it and the duo held their weapons out. But nothing was out there except the quiet forest and the junk scattered around. Ballister closes the door as Gwyn puts her sword away.

"That was weird" Ballister said.

"Hey bosses" a voice from behind them said, causing the knight to jump and Gwyn to yelp and fall over.

Ballister immediately points his weapon at the nose of a young punk girl. She slowly pushed the bottle down with a finger as she smiled. Gwyn stood up and dusted herself off.

"I love the secret lair. The garage and smell of sadness pulls the whole thing together" the girl said before she pulled out a dead possum from a filing cabinet by it's tail, making Gwyn gag. 

Snapping out of his shock, Ballister immediately got serious.

"Wait, who are you?"

"The names Nimona" the pinkette replied, rolling up in a chair with her hand out.

"And how did you-" he started to ask when she saw his robotic arm.

"Whoa! Yeah! Sick arm" Nimon said as she grabbed it and looked it over.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now