The plan

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Ballister lurks down the street, Nimona and Gwyn catch up to him.

"Look, boss. You got betrayed by someone you trusted. I get it. It sucks. You guys are innocent, and we have proof. Once we upload that video-"

"We're not" Ballister interrupted her.

"What?! Everyone needs to know the truth! The system is jacked! The institute needs to shut down!"

Ballister pulls Nimona and Gwyn to the side as a patrol car slowly drives by.

"I will not be quiet about this" Nimona proclamation, jutting her chin up. 

Gwyn turns to her and spoke softly.

"This video could damage people's faith in the institute."

"No duh!" The punk replied.

Ball turns to her as his frustration nearly peaks.

"Look, I don't know why she framed us, but the institute's not the problem, the director is" he told her before he looked around, checking if it was safe to go.

"That's why we're taking this to Ambroseus" he finished.




Both adults groan before they started walking again.

"This is the man who cut off Boss's arm. Arm chopping is not a love language!" Nimona said as Ballister stops and turns to her.

"He didn't cut off my arm. He disarmed a weapon. It's how we were trained" he told her, looking at the statue of Gloreth.

"Wow...they brainwashed you guys good.
You think this stops the director?! You should be questioning everything right now! The will of gloreth, the institute, the wall. What's it really all for?" She asked them angrily.

"For protecting the realm" both adults told her, their tone firm.

Nimona looks at them and crosses her arms.

"You mean from villains like you?" She asked, her face falling into one of sadness. "Or me?"

Both Ballister and Gwyn's faces give away at this, knowing that she was right.
Gwyn then knelt in front of the pinkette.

"Look, if we get this to Ambroseus, everything will be okay..." Gwyn told her, gently holding her shoulders.

She then looked at Ballister who was softly smiling, watching her carefully.

"for all of us" she finished.

She stood up and dusted herself off before they started leaving. Nimona follows as her usual smirk returns.

"Okay, fine. But when things go south, I'm breaking stuff" she told them.

"That won't be necessary" Ballister tells her as he walks faster.

Nimona laughs before vocalizing her theme song again.

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