Bumbling Ballisters

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After yesterday's vicious attack on the institute, our knights have redoubled their efforts in the manhunt of the villains Ballister and Gwyneth.

Ballister and Gwyn looks out the tunnel they were coming out of. Ballister wore a dark cape over him as Gwyn wore a dark blue one, her hair being pulled up in a bun and her eyes hidden by sunglasses. Since she was the only person in the entire kingdom with silver hair and eyes, it wouldn't be hard to recognize her. Slowly, they walk out.

"Okay, we just have to get to the market and find the squire without drawing any at-" Nimona as a cat interrupted him by jumping down and knocking over piles of trash, causing a ton of noise.

"Be quiet!" The knight hissed at her.

"Counterpoint, your plan sucks and it's boring" Nimona told him before grabbing a mouse.

"Where's the drama? The screams of terror?" She goes to eat the mouse but it slips out of her paw.

Gwyn, being the huge animal lover she is, she carefully picked up the little mouse and held it in the palms of her hands. It almost immediately calmed down as Ballister looked at her. Somehow, animals immediately trusted her. He didn't know how though.

"We are villains, embrace it!" Nimona added as she glared at the small creature in Gwyn's hands.

Ballister shakes his head.

"No. We are doing things my way this time. No one gets hurt" he told her as she rolled her eyes.

"I was going for the hurting people version" she said.

Ballister sighs before pulling out a picture of the squire.

"We find the squire and question him" he told her before she cut the picture with her claws.

"Then hurt him."

"No, then find the proof."

"By hurting him."

"No!" Ballister told her.

"Can we stop fighting and just get to the market, please?" Gwyn asked, looking between the two.

Nimona turned human and salutes them. Then dragon wings pop out of her back.

"Roger that. Next flight leaves in 3..."

Ballister panics as he ran after her. Gwyn carefully put the mouse down, petted it's little head, and followed him. Immediately Ballister ran in front of her and held his cape up to hide her. Gwyn laughed a little, seeing he was in front of a guy.

"Uh- Boo! I'm a ghost! Hehehe....sorry."

Once the guy left, the knight turned to the shapeshifter.

"I cannot be seen with that!" He told her before she slapped him across the face.

"This is quality sidekicking stuff" she told him, pointing at her wings.

"It's too much" Ballister replied, glaring at her.

"Oh, Unclench your mustache. What's the worst that could happen?" Nimona asked.

As if on cue, alarms start blaring and the words "monster attack" appeared on every screen in sight. Gwyn cringed in pain as she covered her very sensitive ears. Then a video of the director shows up everywhere.

Citizens of the realm, hello. In light of yesterday's horrific attack on the institute, we are taking every precaution to keep you safe.

A cannon rises from the wall as Gwyn slowly uncovered her ears. She gulped at the cannon, not wanting to be on the other side of it.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum