"Kidnapping" the Squire

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Ballister, reacting quickly, pulls both girls down so they couldn't be seen. Gwyn sat on the right, Nimona next to her. Ballister was on the right. Both adults looked up in fear.

"Do you think he saw us?" He asked.

Nimona peaked up, resulting in blue dots decorating her face. Gwyn gulped, hoping....no, praying that this wouldn't end in bloodshed. She slowly sits back down.


Suddenly, a grenade broke through the window and started flashing rapidly.

"Grenade!" Gwyn yelled before it blew up, filling the train cart with thick, heavy smoke.

The knights immediately responded by swarming into the cart, looking for their suspects. Ambroseus walks in as the knights couldn't find them. Then he feels something. He wasn't sure exactly what it was though. It was warm and calm. Almost like a summer breeze carrying soft hints of rose and lavender. He only felt this when he was with-

"Gwyn" he quietly said under his breath.

He felt it slowly go away, almost as if it was running away. He then looked up, seeing a huge hole in the roof of the train cabin.

"What in the name of Gloreth?" He asked.

Other knights went to look at the hole. Todd slowly joined them.

"Tiny whale" he said in a soft tone, being the complete idiot he was.


In an alleyway, Nimona in her gorilla form punched a grate out before pulling Ballister and Gwyn out.

"Did Goldenloin see you do the thing?" Ballister asked her, worried.

Nimona growled at him because of this.

"Seriously? That guy cut off your arm and your worried about being seen with me?" She asked him.

"We told you, it's-" Ballister started.

"Complicated. I know!" She interrupted.

Gwyn looked out into the market and saw the Squire.

"Look! Squire!" She calls out, pointing at him.

They see him ringing a bell at a booth multiple times, waiting impatiently for whoever worked there. The trio keeps their eyes on him.

"Okay, we need to get him out of here quietly" Ballister said.

Nimona nods before she starts to go into the market.

"Not like that!" He told her, putting an arm in front of her.

She then turned into her girl form.

"Not like that either!"

The shapeshifter turned around and looked at the knight angerly.

"You want me to shift. You don't want me to shift. Pick a lane!" She told him, turning into a little boy with pale skin and dark eyebags.

"And now you're a boy" Ballister said.

"I am today" she replied evilly before she backed into the market.

"No, wait!" Ballister said before he and Gwyn followed her.

"I'll keep an eye on her" she told him before she started catching up to the little "boy".

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now