Celebrating the victory

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As night fell, Ballister watches his computer in the lair as the video they recorded that day uploaded. He only takes his eyes off the screen when he hears Nimona begging for a pair of die as she shakes a pair of dice in her clasped hands.

"Come on! Come on!" She begged before she tossed the dice onto the boardgame the small group was playing.

With a cheer, she jumps onto the sofa, landing on her side with her head propped up by her arm.

"Yes! Lets take this pooch on a walk!" She said as she grabs her scotty dog figure and started moving it across the board.

"8, 9, 10!"

Gwyn sees the figure on an owned block and cringed.

"Ooh, landing you in the enchanted forest which is my domain. Cha-ching! 600 gold, please" Ballister told her, sitting down next to the girls, holding his hand out with a smirk.

"My scotty dog will not pay your tyrannical toll! He rallies the opposing Woodland creatures and stars a rebellion! Squirrels scale the castle walls! Bears batter down the castle gates, letting blood and chaos ensue!" She said, transforming into a bear and hitting the table with her fist, messing up the game.

The then makes random noises before using a juice box to pretend she was dying. She slowly falls on the ground, fakely gagging that slowly went quieter and quieter. After a pause, Ballister looks in her direction with an unamused look.

"I'm still taking the 600 gold."

Nimona, as a girl, quickly sits up.

"What?!" Both girls asked, one clearly upset.

Ballister goes to grab the money, only for Gwyn to quickly stop him as Nimona spit fire at the gameboard. The only thing left behind was ashes and new burn scars in the table. Both adults look at the table in shock. Ballister was the one to break the silence.

"....You didn't tell us you could breathe fire."

"Oh..." Nimona replied, her body drooping a little at this.

Ballister only chuckled at her reaction and said "Metal. Best two out of three?"

Nimona smiles before seeing Gwyn eat a slice of pizza with pineapple on it.

"Eeeeewwww! You like pineapple on pizza? That's gross" she told her cool aunt.

Gwyn stopped and glared at her.

"What? Pineapple on pizza is awesome! In my opinion though, I prefer pineapple with pepperoni and, if I want an extra kick, small chunks of jalapenos because pineapple with ham is just too sweet for me" she told her.

Suddenly, a chime was heard from the computer. They quickly run to it, but Ballister got to it first and smiled.

"Hey. Check it out" he told them before he showed them the screen.

Over what little time it has been up, hundreds of views was already pouring in.

"Whoa! 105- 130- 1057- the whole kingdom is seeing this thing!" Nimona announced happily.

Gwyn, not being able to contain her excitement, grabbed Nimona and hugged her, picking her off the ground and spinning her like she was a little kid.

"WE CRUSHED IT! WE SO ROCK! YES!!!" She cheered before putting Nimona down.

Ballister then smirks.

"Well, I guess there's only one question left" he said leaning down to the pinkette.

"What's that?" She asked, genuinely confused.

"Can a shark dance?" He asked, his voice teasing as a look of mock snooty rested on his face.

Gold & Silver (Ambrosius goldenloin x Gwyneth) Where stories live. Discover now