Chapter 1: The empty hotel

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Charlie wakes up in her big empty room. It's been months since Vaggie was redeemed and she still isn't used to waking up alone. Not bothering to shower Charlie makes her way downstairs.

Like her room the hotel feels empty without her friends who have all been redeemed except for Alastor but she rarely sees him throughout the day. He always leaves early doing god knows what leaving Charlie quite alone to manage the hotel on her own. Not that there's much to manage.

As expected Alastor is long gone. Probably has been for hours. There have been no new guests since the battle. Nobody's really lining up to go to the place that has killed a great part of the population.

Charlie tries to eat something but she never seems to have an appetite anymore. Instead she makes her way to the bar picking up the first bottle in sight.

Vaggie was the last one to be redeemed and since then Charlie had taken up drinking. At first just a little bit to forget her loneliness but soon she was drinking 10 bottles per day. It didn't help that the storage behind the bar didn't seem to empty. Charlie wondered if Alastor had anything to do with it.

After drinking a bottle Charlie starts walking aimlessly around the hotel. She never knows what to do now that she's reached her goal. Sinners can be redeemed. That's all she ever wanted from the hotel. But now it's done and Charlie doesn't have anything to do. She spent most of her time in her room wondering where her friends were now and if they were ok.

Charlie hated sitting around doing nothing. She needed to continue her goal. She wasn't done. Now that sinners can be redeemed there's no need for the extermination. But what with grieving her friends she hadn't had time. But there was a end to everything.

Charlie runs to the big pin board in the living room showing the process of her project. She hadn't touched it in months. The frist thing Charlie did was update it to show that redemption was possible. Now for the extermination. She had to prove to heaven that redemption was possibility the answer to solve overpopulation in hell.

It was going to be harder without her friends but she had to do this. For them. For hell. For her father. She would do whatever it takes to stop the angels from coming down.

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