Chapter 21: Picking Sides

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[Y/n's PoV]

I heard the sound of the explosion even from this distance, and it was loud. This sudden event had triggered an alarm as the IPC members rushed toward the sound of the explosion.

I was still trying to process all of this information when I saw the IPC guards heading my way with rifles in hand and trying to figure out the reason behind the sudden explosion which sounded like a bomb.

The IPC guards were quick to assist me in standing up after the explosion which knocked me off my feet. There were many questions surrounding this sudden explosion, and they were all trying to find out the culprit behind this bombing which had caused so much trouble on the premises.

The other Heads quickly rushed over to me.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

Upon hearing the Heads' worried voices, I managed to respond by shaking my head in affirmative.

"I am fine. Nothing major."

After that, the IPC who seems to be guarding Kafka earlier rushed towards me and the other Heads and informed us that they were knocked out cold and that Kafka managed to escape through the explosion with the help of the other members of the Stellaron Hunters.

"WHAT?! That's impossible! How could she have escaped at such a close range from the explosion? This doesn't make any sense."

I was shocked to hear that Kafka had managed to escape through the explosion despite her location being just a few yards away from the bomb. The other Heads were just as stunned as me, unable to believe how Kafka could have escaped this explosion when they were right there to oversee her.

I quickly think for a moment before rushing towards the big hole the explosion created and jump off which I could exit the council to catch up with Kafka if she is still nearby.

I am not going to let her escape that easily and I decided to chase after her right away. I ran around looking for any signs of her presence as I heard sirens in the background, signaling the IPC that some major crime had occurred.

"Where could she be–"


Without much thinking, I head straight to where my intuition tells me, and as I predicted, I found Kafka right where I expected her to be as I quickly rushed toward her.

However, I was interrupted by Blade who had blocked my way. I was a bit surprised by this sudden block by the Stellaron Hunter in front of me, but I quickly tried to process it all and looked at the Stellaron Hunter with the intention of getting rid of him first so that I could deal with Kafka afterwards.

After minutes of battle, I was so focused on attacking Blade that I failed to notice Sam coming from the other side and ambushed me as well. This caught me caught off guard and was in a losing situation with both of the Stellaron Hunters attempting to take me down.

Blade was skilled and precise with his blades and I am struggling trying to keep up with his quick and efficient attacks. Sam is also equally as deadly with his own unique strategies and combat methods that made it a difficult situation for me.


However, all my powers and abilities that Lan had granted me had come in handy as I used them wisely and efficiently to get rid of both of my opponents. I used every ounce of my strength to fight back and I managed to fend them off successfully with the help of Lan.

The Stellaron Hunters' powerful attacks only proved to be ineffective against me, and they backed away momentarily, as if they're unable to withstand my strength and tenacity.

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